RSBN is doing its best to keep you updated about what certainly seems to be the effective end of the Cruz campaign, as the multiple-mistress scandal continues to linger.
Listen to Vicki McKenna’s straight-to-the-point interview with Donald Trump. It’s aggressive, it’s candid, it’s devoid of BS, and it’s an exercise in holding a candidate accountable.
Just hours ago, a heavily armed group of men said to have the appearance of Middle Eastern men, were arrested just outside of Los Angeles. The reason is a wake-up
By his calculation, Sam Nunberg has spent one eighth of his life working for Donald Trump. The twice fired former Trump employee worked for him for four and a half years. Now he's going off th
Trump is wrong: The nomination is not being “stolen” from him. Republicans are following the rules.
At root, every argument in favor of Trump’s competence is a presumption based upon faith. It is presumed, for example, that Donald Trump would be a...
Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois on Tuesday accused many of his fellow Senate Republicans of being "closed-minded" by refusing to consider President Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Not only is the sewer of the worst Trump supporters spewing out onto social media in order to defend their emperor Trump from his campaign manager being arrested today, but they’re completely…

Europe at the Edge of the Abyss

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

America can still avoid sharing Europe’s fate. But only if we take action.
Ted Cruz was asked today about Trump’s campaign manager being arrested and charged with simple battery, and he responded that it was a very sad development but that it is the consequence of t…
On a radio station in Wisconsin this morning, just after Walker endorsed Cruz, Donald Trump attacked Scott Walker for NOT raising taxes in Wisconsin. Yes I said for ‘not’ raising taxes.…
While ominous Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro makes his way across the U.S., invading the “safe spaces” of precious snowflakes who risk being exposed to facts, a growing number of college student groups are eagerly inviting the campus celebrity to blow their own safe spaces.
Donald Trump's fans like to argue that Hillary Clinton would be worse in the Oval Office. In this, as in many other things, they are wrong.
On Tuesday, Geneva Ridgefield, mother of Sandra Bland, discussed how people she meets complain that Hillary Clinton has lied. Ridgefield defended Clinton, and later joked about Bill Clinton, If I was to be held accountable for everything my man did, whoa! We'd have a problem! Clinton burst out laughing. Watch here:
In February cameras caught top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin shoving away a woman who tried to hug her after ...
Steve Watson | Claims scrawling constitutes "racist violence".
It may be a matter of some interest to you that the American left is now openly declaring its intention to shutdown your church and outlaw your religious expression entirely. If you've been paying attention, you won't be terribly shocked by this revelation. They plan to come after the churches. That's what they've...
Mark interviews NHS Task Force Executive Director Dr. Peter V. Pry about the growing EMP threat and the vulnerable state of the US electrical grid.
On CNN’s "New Day," Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson was interviewed by Don Lemon, and he took issue with some things she said.
A lot of people, especially Millennials with degrees in Intersectional Climate Change Gender Studies, may not know it, but there is a way to anticipate whats going to happen in the future.
WASHINGTON — The mother of a 28-year-old woman who died in police custody in Texas joined Hillary Clinton at a black church in Milwaukee on Tuesday and told voters to not judge Clinton for Bubba’s …
Citing indications of wrongdoing and bad faith, a federal judge has overruled government objections by ruling that a conservative group seeking State Department records is entitled to more details about Hillary Clinton's private email account.
It’s clear that none of Trump’s aides is smart enough or brave enough to keep his short stubby fingers from tweeting stupid things in the wake of the explosive arrest of his campaign ma…