Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Trump voters, by and large, lack the intelligence and/or charisma to actually convince anyone that voting for Donald Trump is a good idea. Certainly, Donald Trump himself is incapable of expanding his appeal beyond his loyal cadre of garbage followers. So to make up for actual arguments for why anyone should vote for Trump, Trump and his surrogates have | Read More »
I can't wait to read the responses.
John Kasich continues to defy the odds. The two-term Ohio governor has no possible way of accumulating enough delegates to win the GOP nomination outright, but he continues to forge ahead on the assum
Donald Trump threatens to sue Ted Cruz for following the rules and using his organization to possibly pick up ten more delegates than Trump in Louisiana.
WASHINGTON (AP) — He is the Republican Party's undisputed front-runner, yet Donald Trump's White House aspirations may now depend on a messy fight for delegates he is only now scrambling
America’s military is dangerously weak and unprepared today, and it’s not getting better. At least that’s what top military leaders told Congress recently.
From the Tuesday edition of the Morning Jolt: Conservatives Weren’t the Ones Who Made Trump a Ubiquitous Celebrity An important point from Jim Lewis over at The Intercept, about why it is indeed so unexpected that Donald Trump could become the face of the Republican Party, and why he represents a takeover of the GOP by “foreign” (as in alien or outsider, not as in international) values, not traditional conservative values: …absent from all these ashen-faced accounts is any examination of the people who put Trump in a position to run for president in the first place. The man didn’t emerge, all at once and fully formed, from some hidden and benighted hollow in the American psyche. He’s been kicking around for 30 years or more, and he was promoted and schooled, made famous and made wealthy, by the same culture and economy that now reviles him, and finds his success so vexing. After all, it wasn’t some Klan newsletter that first brought Trump to our attention: It was Time and Esquire and Spy. The Westboro Baptist Church didn’t give him his own TV show: NBC did. And his boasts and lies weren’t posted on Breitbart, they were published by Random House. He was created by people who learned from Andy Warhol, not Jerry Falwell, who knew him from galas at the Met, not fundraisers at Karl Rove’s house, and his original audience was presented to him by Condé Nast, not Guns & Ammo. He owes his celebrity, his money, his arrogance, and his skill at drawing attention to those coastal cultural gatekeepers — presumably mostly liberal — who first elevated him out of general obscurity, making him famous and rewarding him (and, not at all incidentally, themselves) for his idiocies. My only quibble with his list would be Spy, which clearly and repeatedly argued that Donald Trump was the living embodiment of everything that was wrong with Manhattan’s high society/super-wealthy class in the 1980s. From the perspective of a lot of folks on the Right at the time, Spy offered a group of smug New York elites snickering and mocking other smug New York elites (and anyone not sophisticated enough to know who they were talking about). But from the perspective of today, the magazine’s ridicule represented the white blood cells of a functioning societal body, pointing out extraordinary sense of entitlement, hypocrisy, shamelessness, egomania, greed and Bacchanalian excess going on among the city’s elites. At its best, the magazine represented a bit of cultural vigilantism, exposing bad behavior and holding it up for ridicule and scorn that it was unlikely to get from other fawning media outlets. As a contributing editor put it: The founding editors of the magazine, Graydon Carter and Kurt Andersen, recognized Trump for what he was: the id of New York City, writ large—a bombastic, self-aggrandizing, un–self-aware bully, with a curious relationship to the truth about his supposed wealth and business acumen. He wasn’t so much a Macy’s balloon, ripe for the targeting, as he was the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters, stomping on everything in his gold-plated path. There was one glaring flaw in the magazine’s approach: the sarcastic cynicism of Spy more or less targeted everyone – including National Review and William F. Buckley at least once — meaning that there was no good in their perspective, few if any examples of people worth emulating.  Rereading Spy today is fascinating, but after enough issues, it begins to feel like comedic nihilism – everybody’s terrible, everybody’s shameless and out for themselves, everybody’s the worst ever. And if everybody’s the worst ever, nobody stands out as particularly bad – and there’s no point in expecting anything better. But Lewis’ broader point stands; Spy stood out because of its scathing disdain for Trump in a media world that either celebrated him or, at worst, shook its head in amazement at that rapscallion… for about thirty years. This is one of the reasons why it’s going to be strange and risky to see major media attempt to demonize Trump in the coming seven months. Most of the media will become some version of “Morning Joe” – declaring him unacceptable as a potential commander-in-chief Tuesdays and Thursday while welcoming his appearances by phone or by remote Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Other figures deemed beyond the pale, and denounced as furiously as Trump – David Duke, Alex Jones, Louis Farrakhan — don’t get invited to share their thoughts like clockwork morning, noon and night. If Trump is this repugnant, nasty racist, so undeserving of public office . . .  why is he hosting Saturday Night Live and joking around with Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert? If he’s so self-evidently unsuited for the presidency… why has the national media spent a full year dissecting his every move? If he’s such a vulgar embodiment of reality-television narcissism, why the soft-focus profiles of his lovely family? If his economic plans are so wildly unrealistic and reckless, why has the business media written those glowing profiles about his keen mind and eye for opportunities?
How can one make sense of the electoral divisions in this year's Republican primaries and caucuses? The contours of Donald Trump's support and opposition don't fall on traditional lines. There's not...
As he inches toward the GOP nomination, Donald Trump is becoming more and more disliked among American voters.
Actress and comedian Roseanne Barr, who once ran for president as a Green Party candidate, described her ideological shift after discovering that those she used to consider left-wing colleagues were “naked bigots.” Speaking at a conference in Jerusalem Monday on how to combat efforts to boycott...
Belgium: Imams refuse to pray for the souls of the non-Muslim victims of Brussels jihad massacre UK: National Union of Teachers rejects teaching

How Crony Capitalism Works

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The force of market competition has been concentrated on workers and small businesses, while elite professionals and financiers have managed to engineer protectionist rackets.
The Donald is pitching another Trumpertantrum, crying this time about unfair coverage at CNN or something: Maybe Trump shouldn’t do their town hall. That’d be fine with me. People are g…
After every single attack carried out by radical Islamic terrorists, President Obama, his administration, and Democrats in general turn around and lecture Americans on being critical of Islam. Every. Single. …
MILWAUKEE ? Wisconsin’s presidential primary is on April 5th, and thus, the presidential candidates have turned their attention to Wisconsin. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz will h…
ROTHSCHILD, Wis. (AP) — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is challenging Donald Trump to debate him one-on-one in Wisconsin.
Liberals do a poor job of defending their beliefs with facts, logic or debate, but they have become unparalleled masters at keeping their opponents side of the argument from being presented at all.
Conservatives and other Obama critics are entitled to a big "I told you so," after Obama's stunning admission that he doesn't believe there's that much difference between communism and capitalism.
As the world mourned the dead and wounded in Brussels and President Obama was doing "the wave" at a baseball game with commie dictator Raul Castro in Havana, ISIS was asking its followers on social media to choose which country's colors they would like next displayed on the Eiffel Tower.
Members of National Union of Teachers union also call on promotion of policies to allow more migrants and refugees into Britain
Newt Gingrich was surprisingly critical of Donald Trump, who he seems to have become a yuge supporter of, and his idiotic retweet of an insulting picture of Heidi Cruz, calling it “utterly st…
Ted Cruz is stumping to win in Wisconsin.