If you think Paul Ryan really opposes the budget deal, I have a bridge to sell you.
Federal mandates are crippling state governments, but Article V offers a solution.
It has been reported that Jeb Bush advisers are referring to Sen. [crscore]Marco Rubio[/crscore] as a
There’s a new front-runner in Iowa, and — by popular demand — we talked about what it means in this week’s 2016 election Slack chat. As always, the transcript below has been lightly edited. micah…
A majority of Republicans voted with Democrats to reauthorize the bank.
He’s the likely G.O.P. nominee, even though he isn’t leading in the polls or the money race.
Jeb Bush appeared destined to waltz to the 2016 Republican nomination, but his presidential bid has been upended to the point that even his cherished family pedigree might not be enough to salvage his flagging campaign. Trailing badly in the polls, reportedly slashing campaign payroll by 40 percent and scaling back on travel costs, Bush is now one of many middle-of-the-pack candidates in a wide GOP field, rather than the man Republicans would naturally gravitate to as they seek to win back the White House. "He's been Trumped, as they all have," Tim Malloy of Quinnipiac University, whose recent poll in early voting Iowa showed Bush with just five percent support, told AFP.
Breitbart Tech is a brand new vertical, covering tech, gaming and internet culture.
A recent report says 96 percent of Cornell faculty political donations went to Democrats.
"This is a clear case of self-defense."
House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz began the impeachment process against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen Tuesday, accusing him of misleading the public and destroying documents that were being sought under a congressional subpoena.
Rand Paul said Tuesday he would filibuster bipartisan budget deal reached by the White House and congressional Republicans, setting up a fight between the presidential candidate and GOP leadership.
Slain NYPD Officer Randolph Holder’s fiancée was stunned to hear that the Rev. Al Sharpton was asked to speak at his funeral — because the policeman detested the anti-cop preacher, she told The Pos...
High Bridge Arms is shutting down at the end of the month. Gun enthusiasts say proposed city firearms regulations are forcing the store to close, but advocates of the new measures say that's not true.
House Republicans on Tuesday introduced a resolution to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, accusing him of making false statements under oath and failing to comply with a subpoena for evidence.
A group of House Republicans moved Tuesday to impeach the head of the IRS, the tax agency struggling to recover from scandal.
Strong...Quite strong. I hear these narratives all the time, could the mainstream narrative be correct? Please Like, Share, & Subscribe Follow on Twitter: @A...
MIAMI — Donald Trump walks into a bar ...
In any other year, this might have been a windup for a joke. But on this evening in late October 2015, Trump is no punch line. And had Trump rivals Jeb...
Billions of program dollars unaccounted for ...but taxpayers hit with "shared responsibility payments"
PBS host Charlie Rose on Monday night embraced many of Bernie Sanders’s positions and announced that the socialist’s positions are “not radical.” At first, the journalist suggested the Democratic candidate not use the label when campaigning: “I'm the first person trying to argue you away from the idea that you're a socialist.”
The Tea Party just keeps winning, and they're still not happy about it.
Utah joined 23 other states mounting a legal challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan regulation. The suit asks federal appellate justices to set aside the rule, contending
It’s a tall order for a black politician to become popular with “the de facto largest white identity organization in the United States,” but DeVega argues that Carson has pulled it off by “betray[ing] the Black Freedom Struggle and assault[ing] the truth in all its forms.” (As you probably assumed, “white identity organization” is DeVega’s description of the Republican party.) In a Salon article, DeVega attacked Carson for his recent remarks likening abortion to slavery: “Ben Carson and the other conservatives who want to limit women’s reproductive rights and control over their own bodies have more in common with the whites who ran the slave labor rape and charnel camps of the American South than they do with Abolitionists such as John Brown, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, David Walker, Sojourner Truth, or William Lloyd Garrison.” (Italics in original.)
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