While Elizabeth Warren rails against Wall Street's D.C. influence, she may be helping line the pockets of the hedge-fund multi-millionaire behind her favorite think tank.
✯ Video by Matthew Worth (Canadianmatt3) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/canadianmatt3★ ☆ US Armed Forces "A Time For Choosing" Speech By 40th President o...
Bush is stuck in neutral, hamstrung by verbal miscues, as Rubio gains the hot hand.
Imagine how Hillary Clinton’s numbers will soar when she loudly embraces gun control!
Two of the most famous atheists in the world, HBO host Bill Maher and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, slammed liberals who they say are giving Islam a "free pass," despite the human rights abuses being committed in Muslim countries and by Islamic extremist groups around the world today.
Gun violence could be a real issue in 2016.

Ted Cruz on the Frank Beckmann Show

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

www.tedcruz.org October 5, 2015
A survey last week from Public Policy Polling found that 40 percent of Republican voters in North Carolina believe the practice of Islam should be made illegal.
The White House confirmed that President Obama was preparing a series of executive actions on gun control.
"You don't just give an automatic promotion to the existing leadership team. That doesn't signal change."
Negotiators reached an agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a potentially precedent-setting model for global commerce and worker standards.

Syria is Obama's Watergate

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

What did he know and when did he know it? The immortal question about Richard Nixon and Water­gate should be posed to Barack Obama about Syria. What and when did he know about Vladimir Putin’s axis...
The father of the Oregon shooter who ruthlessly murdered 9 people at a community college in Umpqua, Oregon, insists that his son isn't to blame for shooting innocent victims, but rather, 'guns' are to blame. The man absolving his son of responsibility is Ian Mercer and he made the statements during a CNN interview. A report in the Daily Beast claims that Mr. Mercer abandoned his son at birth--a factor that the father did not mention during his anti-gun rant on television.
Clinton would tighten gun and Internet sales loopholes.
Bill O’Reilly on GOP: Populism We Are Seeing Is A Good Thing
A bishop has proposed a church in her diocese remove all signs of the cross and reconfigure the space for the benefit of Muslim worshippers.
The union called the move "unacceptable and discouraging."
After legalizing same-sex marriage and upholding provisions of President Obama ’s legacy healthcare program for a second time, the Supreme Court justices return to work Monday in a new term that will put liberals on the defense.

Seeing Cuba's Lies with My Own Eyes

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

I went to Cuba to see what had become of Castro's revolution, and it wasn't pretty.
Sasse: 'Next speaker needs to have the ideas of Jack Kemp, work ethic of Mike Rowe, resolve of Margaret Thatcher...'
During appearances on NPR’s All Things Considered and PBS NewsHour on Friday, the Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne and the New York Times’ David Brooks eagerly touted President Obama’s blatant decision to “politicize” the Oregon school shooting to push gun control. 
Throughout a live townhall event on Monday’s Today, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton was treated to one softball after another from her adoring supporters at NBC. One sycophantic fan set the tone: “Secretary Clinton, you've had a lot of tough questions this morning. This may be the toughest one you get all day. But many years ago we saw another Clinton at his inauguration play an instrument and have a song. What song or instrument would you play at yours?"
Some exotic animal species that are endangered in Africa are thriving on ranches in Texas, where a limited number are hunted for a high price. Ranchers say t...
Parents: Have an athletic son or daughter? Do you encourage him to play to his highest level of excellence? Do you spend time and money making sure she can reach her potential? Well according to The Washington Post, you’re being really unfair to my slow fat kid. Yes, to its horror the Post has once again discovered that life isn’t fair. It seems participation in youth sports is down and writer Michael S. Rosenwald knows the culprit: parents. Specifically, parents “in the suburbs, where the shift to elite competition over the past two decades has taken a growing toll: Children are playing fewer sports, and the less talented are left behind in recreational leagues with poor coaching, uneven play and the message that they aren’t good enough.”