“Planned Parenthood, right now, is waging a war against defenseless unborn girls and boys.”
Constitutional conservative presidential candidate Ted Cruz appeared on the popular radio program of another constitutional scholar, Mark Levin, on Thursday dis
The ‘watchmen’ of The Arizona Border Recon - led by the group's chief 'Nailer - monitor the border, watch carefully for immigrants and stop cross-country criminals in their tracks.
The cover-ups and mistruths appear to be numerous. The question Americans need to be asking is why?
Just three years ago, President Obama famously ridiculed GOP opponent Mitt Romney’s statement that Russia remained America’s main geopolitical foe by taunting: “The 1980s are calling to ask for the...
Amidst all the shows with a blatant liberal agenda, “Last Man Standing” is a lone conservative voice on ABC; a gem hidden away in the 8pm Friday night slot. The latest episode of the sitcom, "Free Range Parents," hits scaredy-cat overprotective parents, leftwing news, and even Hillary Clinton. Mike Baxter (Tim Allen) is trying to get his son-in-law, Ryan, to allow his grandson to walk 6 blocks home from school by himself, but liberal Ryan worries too much about everything, from diabetes to free range parenting, or as Mike calls it, “childhood.”
The video suggested the Sandy Hook shooting was a ploy to disarm the public
Holder’s snarky arrogance got the better of him tweeted out a second tweet of an Archie Bunker “All in the Family” skit in which gun control was the topic.
Republican Ted Cruz is again presenting himself to New Hampshire voters as the one presidential hopeful willing to speak out, and act, on issues that
CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white. Chris was the son of Ian ...
Here's my thoughts regarding the foul aforementioned.
Ted Cruz says that state legislatures and governors now need to “stand up and lead” on defunding Planned Parenthood.
She’s on a mission to be a softer, warmer, funnier candidate — but according to a new book, the real Hillary Clinton is so volatile and prone to violent outbursts that she terrorizes staff, Secret ...
More private emails sent by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were released this week, and one of the emails contains a spelling of Indianapolis that Hoosiers may not appreciate. In...
The Vice President gives non-discrimination bill its first White House support.
"It should be that high a priority," the New York governor said.
FRANKLIN, Tenn. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Saturday channeled 1970s action star Charles Bronson in defending Second Amendment rights in the aftermath of the shooting at an Oregon community…
Naomi Klein’s anti-capitalist vision for the future may allow for only a few lucky high-flyers.
Several examples, including two from earlier this year (with the usual caveats about the limits of relying on such examples).
Donald Trump loves to boast that he's "leading every poll and in most cases big." But he's well behind Ben Carson in a new IBD/TIPP poll. Marco Rubio is third.
The solution to Hillary Clinton’s recent slide in the polls, according to David Axelrod: Be more authentic. And, indeed, Clinton gets heaps of abuse for alleged inauthenticity. But authenticity is ?
Joe Friday and Bill Gannon give a speech to some teenagers about their wishes to start a new country.
Liberals are delighted when theres a mass shooting because as Rahm Emanuel famously said, You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
"My recommendation for Secretary Kerry is that he should resign."