Dem Sen on Oregon Shooting: ‘Complicit’ Politicians ‘Should Be Held Accountable’
Jewell Shuping, a woman with Body Integrity Identity Disorder who self-identified as blind, had a psychologist take away her sight.
FiveThirtyEight.com is a website born from a blog on Daily Kos, who, for anyone living in a political cave over the past few years, is a very left-wing site. Nate Silver started a blog where he applied statistics to an analysis of polls. His conservative credentials were burnished by the New York Times acquiring his website in 2010. Then, in 2013, his site moved to | Read More
"You care only that we bitter clingers refuse to bow down to you..."
Appearing on MSNBC, 2016 Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump told Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, “We have millions of sick people all over the world… This is sort of unique to our country – the school shootings.”
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation encouraging that future history textbooks for public schools in California include a section on the 1930s deportation of more than 1 million U.S. citizens of Mexican descent.
He also questioned the effectiveness of gun control laws.
This is a remix, no copyright intended. "The Tale of the Slave" features in Robert Nozick's book, "Anarchy, State and Utopia". I would recommend re-watching ...
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is laying the groundwork to launch a campaign for House speaker, Politico reports, citing “multiple sources.” In its headline, Politico calls his bid a "long shot." Chaffetz, chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, strongly criticized House Majority Leader Kevin...
In Tuesday's congressional hearing, Cecile Richards made some notable admissions.
Only a murky portrait of the shooter emerged, as a quiet withdrawn young man who struggled to connect with other people and may have harbored resentment against religion.
Although I find Sen. Ted Cruz’s “lonely man of principle” act as tired as it is phony, I should give the devil his due. Cruz has given Americans exasperated with Washington gridlock...
?[I]nstead of calling for religious tolerance – as he would have if the shooter had been a muslim – the President instead demands gun control.?Last night, as the sun set over Washington, if you asked President Obama who had been brave that day, he'd have said himself, not the students who declared themselves Christians knowing they were going to die because of it. Barack Obama, | Read More
The number of Americans not in the labor force exceeded 94 million for the second time in a row last month hitting a new record high, according to new government data released Friday morning.
The Obama administration says the government will run out of cash by nov. 5, not mid-December.
Government waste took a significant turn for the worse in fiscal 2014, rising dramatically to $124.7 billion from $105.8 billion in fiscal 2013.
House Republicans on Wednesday sharply repudiated Rep. Kevin McCarthy's comments on the House Benghazi Committee.
Planned Parenthood supporters continue to falsely assert or suggest it directly administers mammograms.
Native-born Americans saw their job numbers tumble while immigrants experience solid gains.
The number of people shot this year in Chicago passed 1,000 late last week, a somber milestone reached days earlier than in past years.
The nation was shaken again on Thursday following an atrocity committed by a disturbed, likely prejudiced young man with access to firearms. It’s become an...
A veteran who is also a student at Umpqua Community College told Breitbart News that he was about 200 yards away from the shooting, but couldn't get there in time to do so. He acknowledged that he has a concealed carry permit and said he wasn't concerned about the fact that he wasn't supposed to have a gun on the campus.
A gunman singled out Christians, telling them they would see God in “one second,” during a rampage at an Oregon college Thursday that left at least nine innocent people dead and several more wounde...