Sen. Ted Cruz slammed Republican leadership on Monday for serving the interests of corporations and leading attacks on its conservative base
Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the UN General Assembly today in New York City. Putin lectured Barack Obama on the ...
Guest post by Aleistar This is what happens when the vast majority in media aligns itself with one party against ...
Speaking at the UN, Cuban dictator Raúl Castro insisted on the transfer of sovereignty of Guantánamo Bay and censorship of U.S. broadcasts.
Democrats have been vocal lately about their desire to resettle hundreds of thousands more “Syrian refugees” in the United States.

Cruz sternly rebuked by GOP

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

It's the second time Cruz has been denied a procedural courtesy that’s routinely granted to senators in both parties.
(Click to enlarge) Take your time, read the small print. The nine charts do not, of course cover everything. There's still the Iran Deal, the mess in Syria, the Taliban's success in Afghanistan, ex...
An exec who worked with the GOP candidate at AT&T and Lucent defends Fiorina's leadership and business record.
Upstart insurers never had much hope of competing with established companies.
Planned Parenthood paid some of its supporters who threw condoms at GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina in Iowa.
Limbaugh: Trump Tax Plan Similar to Reagan’s 1980s Tax Proposals
Planned Parenthood doesn't really care about women's health. It cares about abortion.
Contents: Massive Russian military deployment into Syria and Iraq continues; China's military heads for Syria, supposedly to join Russia
Is Tom Brady still a "man of character" if he supports Donald Trump for president?
Barbara Hollingsworth at CNS News reports: The military readiness of the United States is being “degraded by social experimentation,” Maj. Gen. Robert Dees (U.S. Army-Ret.) said Saturday at the Val...

Is "Free College" Really free?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

everyone likes free things don't they? Well what do politicians actually mean by free college? Today we look into the Idea that theres no such thing as a fre...
Видишь врага? — Да! — И я вижу. А его нет! http://pravosudija.net/article/vidish-vraga-da-i-ya-vizhu-ego-net
Hungary is not interested in EU "lectures" on compulsory migrant quotas and says the West's experiment in "multiculturalism" has failed.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel was overheard confronting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over incendiary posts on the social network.
Other - President Obama Job Approval - Foreign Policy

Obama’s Intel Scandal

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Earlier this summer, we learned the Pentagon’s inspector general is investigating allegations that the intelligence on ISIS was manipulated. Analysts at U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida, formally complained to the IG that analysis contradicting the Obama administration’s narrative on ISIS was routinely challenged, rewritten, or disregarded. The administration was eager to sell the story that the campaign against ISIS was going well; much of the intelligence made clear it wasn’t. That intelligence was buried, and the happy talk continued.
Billionaire Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump told 60 Minutes he would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with a private plan that would “cover everybody” and
John Boehner is out as Speaker, but it isn't really his fault - it's Mitch McConnell's.
In 1900, Argentina and the US were equally wealthy, but then one of them chose capitalism and the other chose protectionism and socialism.