Mrs. Clinton said she could not fully explain the discovery of a string of work emails sent on her personal account earlier than she has said she first began using it for State Department business. But she said she hoped voters would look past the email furor.
A point of contention between Dr. Carson and Gov. Huckabee.
Mayors from eighteen U.S. cities signed a letter to President Obama saying they are willing to take even more refugees than what has been proposed by the administration.
The Environmental Protection Agency's unfounded new rules could outlaw lawn mowing, add a parking tax and declare national parks 'toxic.'
Black Lives Matter St. Paul is planning a protest at the Twin Cities Marathon on Oct. 4, the group announced Friday.
Utah Supreme Court: Employees Cannot Be Fired for Self-defense
Put yourself in Donald Trump's hat or hair with this unique web experience. Make America Great Again!
Proposed gun control legislation has finally caused San Francisco’s High Bridge Arms – the only remaining gun shop in the city of 840,000 – to draw to a close.
Modern universities bear almost no resemblance to the institutions of higher learning that they, at least ideally, have always aspired to be
Full Speech: Donald Trump Speaks at Values Voter Summit: Washington DC Friday September 25, 2015 The annual gathering of social conservatives is hosted by th...
September 25, 2015: GOP Presidential candidate and front-runner Donald J. Trump gave a campaign rally at the Oklahoma State Fair today. The event drew thousa...
" I think you’re incompetent. And I think you don’t understand reality."
When was the last time politics was entertaining? CNN tried to get there in the last debate by tempting all the candidates to take shots at each other.
Planned Parenthood is the victim of a smear campaign. Here's the proof from your friendly, neighborhood "pro-choice" activist.
After House Speaker John Boehner announced his intention to resign at the end of October, suddenly liberal journalists grew nostalgic. Rachel Maddow found him “refreshing and lovable.” Chris Matthews insisted “verybody likes John Boehner. I can tell you the media like him.” That’s not exactly what Matthews and his liberal-media colleagues have been saying over the last five years.
In reaction to Boehner’s unexpected resignation announcement, Salmon congratulated Boehner for his service and for doing the “right thing.”
Nobody really likes government shutdowns, including me. But sometimes you have to make a point. Send a message. Show voters what you really believe. Take a stand.
With John Boehner set to resign at...
Talking to newly installed MSNBC anchor Brian Williams about the Boehner resignation Friday morning, fellow MSNBC host Chris Matthews said he wishes the outgoing Speaker would try to pass immigration reform before he leaves.
"I think it would be great if he said okay, we're a democracy here for a couple hours," Matthews said of Boehner. "We're going to vote on the immigration bill before I leave."
Matthews said passing immigration reform would put the fight behind us, "leaving only the racists to talk about it."
CHRIS MATTHEWS: I just wish John Boehner -- this is just my opinion hat being put on here. If he's going to get a CR through before he leaves, the Speakership, why not pass or at least bring to a vote the immigration bill passed in a bipartisan fashion by the Senate? And everyone who covers the Hill knows this, left, right, and center. If that came to a vote, we would have the immigration fight behind us going into this presidential election, leaving only the racists to talk about it. Everyone else would say, you know, that was a pretty darn good compromise. We're going to have requirements so people no longer are being hired illegally. There's going to be some kind of way to be a citizen overtime with a lot of obstacles, but you can get there.
It's a really good bill passed with at least a dozen Republican Senators of goodwill, like Lindsey Graham. I think it would be great if he said okay, we're a democracy here for a couple hours. We're going to vote on the immigration bill before I leave.
RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC: I'm sorry to interrupt, but on that point, that's a really, really good point and it may become really important in what happens next. And I'm just wondering, when that first happened when it passed the Senate, there was a lot of talk that if John Boehner put it on the floor, there were enough Republican votes to pass it in the House. Is that still true? If he waved a magic wand and put the bill on the floor today, would it pass?
MATTHEWS: Well, Rach, the Democrats would be all for it. The Hispanic groups, the Black Caucus, the liberals. Everybody would be for it because it basically opens the door to becoming part of us, for the people who have been here and committed their lives to America and their children and grandchildren to America. The good people who said we are Americans, who may not have come in here legally and may not have the documents, but we are Americans, darn it, and we want to become part of this country. but
But we also want to stop the incentives of people coming into the country to get jobs illegally. Somebody in a Mexican restaurant in Chicago shouldn't decide who comes in the country. The American people should decide on a regular progressive immigration policy. And I think that's in the bill. I think it was a very balanced bill and could be passed in a minute in the House. It would be great if Boehner brought it up and passed it.
Boehner's friends are furious with conservatives for pushing the Speaker aside.
Cruz had support from 35 percent of summit-goers, with runner-up Ben Carson at 18 percent.
According to a new nationwide online survey (Below) of 600 Muslims living in the United States, significant minorities embrace supremacist notions that could pose a threat to America’s security and...