Cruz says he wants to "unleash American jobs and opportunity by harnessing our nation’s energy resources"
There’s only one time when you can depend on the chronically backlogged, recklessly inefficient Department of Homeland Security to perform smoothly: election season. While hundreds of thousands of ...
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, slowly has siphoned support from his opponents for the Republican nomination for president without burning bridges. While Cruz hasn’t enjoyed a sudden spike in the polls, his numbers consistently improve.
New book claims Clinton had harsh words for the President over email investigation
Part-time Palm Beacher Donald Trump continues to lead the Republican presidential field in Florida and Sen. Marco Rubio has moved ahead of former Gov. Jeb Bush into second place in a Florida Atlantic University poll conducted after last week's GOP debate.
With his campaign in debt and revenue dwindling, he decided his path to the GOP nomination was closing.
Powerful, to say the least. This video from a Carly Fiorina PAC must be seen. Warning: It is heartbreaking and graphic truth. Care to reply, Democrats and me...
There is perhaps no economic study more often cited by immigration advocates than economist David Card’s 1990 analysis of the “Mariel boatlift.”
Even as the U.S. military denies reports that American troops were told to ignore Afghan child abusers, an 11-year Green Beret who was ordered discharged after he confronted an alleged rapist was just informed that the Army has denied his appeal.
Built in a matter of weeks by soldiers, prison laborers and cadres of the unemployed, a vast new wall along Balkan frontiers is a monument to the ruthless efficiency with which Prime Minister Viktor Orban has mobilized Hungary against migrants.
FacebookTwitterGoogle+ Evidence from the student newspaper of Princeton’s college newspaper shows that the young Ted Cruz was a defender of women’s rights and not the anti-woman oaf. Cruz favored instituting a patrol program at Princeton to cut down on violence and sexual assaults against women on campus, according to the Daily Princetonian on September 20, …
Of all the points presidential hopeful Ben Carson made in defense of his position that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation,” the most poignant was his referencing of taqiyya, one of Islam’s doctrines of deception.According to Carson, whoever becomes president should be “sworn in on a stack of Bibles, not a Koran”:“I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country,” Carson said, referencing the Islamic law derived from the Koran and traditions of Islam. “Muslims feel that their religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official, and that’s inconsistent with our principles and our Constitution.”Carson said that the only exception he’d make would be if the Muslim running for office “publicly rejected all the tenants of Sharia and lived a life consistent with that.”“Then I wouldn’t have any problem,” he said.However, on several occasions Carson mentioned 'Taqiyya,' a practice in the Shia Islam denomination in which a Muslim can mislead nonbelievers about the nature of their faith to avoid religious persecution.“Taqiyya is a component of Shia that allows, and even encourages you to lie to achieve your goals,” Carson said.Considering that the current U.S. president has expunged all reference to Islam in security documents and would have Americans believe that Islamic doctrine is more or less like Christianity, it is refreshing to see a presidential candidate referencing a little-known but critically important Muslim doctrine.However, the widely cited notion that taqiyya is only a Shia doctrine needs to be corrected. This is false, and it lets the vast majority of the world’s Muslims, the Sunnis, off the hook.According to Sami Mukaram, one of the world’s foremost authorities on taqiyya:Taqiyya is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it … We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream … Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.Taqiyya is often associated with the Shias because, as a minority group interspersed among their Sunni rivals, they have historically had more reason to dissemble. Today, however, Sunnis living in the West find themselves in the place of the Shia. Now they are the minority surrounded by their historic enemies -- Western “infidels” -- and so they too have plenty of occasion to employ taqiyya.Making Muslims swear on Bibles would not be any defense against taqiyya. As long as their allegiance to Islam is secure in their hearts, taqiyya allows Muslims to behave like non-Muslims. Praying before Christian icons, wearing crosses, making the sign of the cross -- anything short of actually killing a Muslim could be allowed. (In several instances, Muslims in the U.S. military exposed their true loyalties when they reached the point of having to fight fellow Muslims in foreign nations.)For those with a discerning eye, taqiyya is all around us. Muslim refugees have pretended to convert to Christianity (in the past and the present); an Islamic gunman gained entrance inside a church by feigning interest in Christian prayers. Examples abound on a daily basis.Consider the following anecdote from Turkey. In order to get close enough to a Christian pastor to assassinate him, a group of Muslims -- including three women -- feigned interest in Christianity, attended his church for over a year, and even participated in baptism ceremonies. Said the pastor, Emre Karaali:These people had infiltrated our church and collected information about me, my family and the church and were preparing an attack against us. … Two of them attended our church for over a year and they were like family.If some Muslims are willing to go to such lengths to eliminate the already downtrodden Christian minorities in their midst, does anyone doubt that a taqiyya-practicing Muslim presidential candidate might have no reservations about swearing on a stack of Bibles?Precedents for such treachery litter the whole of Islamic history, and begin with the Muslim prophet himself.During the Battle of the Trench (627 AD), which pitted Muhammad and his followers against several non-Muslim tribes collectively known as “the Confederates,” a Confederate called Naim bin Masud went to the Muslim camp and converted to Islam. When Muhammad discovered the Confederates were unaware of Masud’s deflection to Islam, he counseled him to return and to try to get his tribesmen to abandon the siege. “For war is deceit,” Muhammad assured him.Masud returned to the Confederates without their knowledge that he had switched sides, and began giving his former kin and allies bad advice. He also intentionally instigated quarrels between the various tribes until, thoroughly distrusting each other, they disbanded and lifted the siege, allowing an embryonic Islam to grow. (Here, a Muslim site extols this incident for being illustrative of how Muslims can subvert non-Muslims.)If a Muslim were running for president of the U.S. in the hopes of ultimately subverting America to Islam, he could, in Carson’s words, easily be “sworn in on a stack of Bibles, not a Koran” and “publicly reject all the tenants of Sharia.” Indeed, he could claim to be a Christian and attend church every week.It speaks well about Carson that he is aware of, and not hesitant to mention, taqiyya. But that doctrine’s full ramifications regarding how much deception it allows, and its practice by all Muslim denominations, not just the Shia, still needs greater awareness.The chances of that happening are dim. Already “mainstream media” like the Washington Post have, incorrectly, taken Carson to task for “misunderstanding” taqiyya -- that is, for daring to be critical of anything Islamic. These outlets could benefit from learning more about Islam and deception per the below links:My expert testimony being used in a court case to refute “taqiyya about taqiyya.”The even more elastic doctrine of tawriya, which allows Muslims to deceive fellow Muslims by lying “creatively.”My 2008 essay “Islam’s Doctrines of Deception,” commissioned and published by Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst.Recent examples of formerly good Muslim neighbors turning violent once they grow in strength and numbers. Sami Mukaram, At-Taqiyya fi 'l-Islam (London: Mu'assisat at-Turath ad-Druzi, 2004), p. 7, author's translation. Mukaram, At-Taqiyya fi 'l-Islam, pp. 30
"He was a sick little coward," the sheriff said of the gunman who opened fire on a deputy from behind. The gunman was later killed by police.
Stephen apologizes to Donald Trump for the mean things he's said about him over the years, and gives him the opportunity to apologize as well. Nope. Subscrib...
A film from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, adapted from the 1958 essay by Leonard E. Read. For more about I, Pencil, visit http://www.ipencilmovie.org
Praising the Pope for his writings on climate change this morning, President Obama made some pretty generic comments.
Cho: We Are Being Punked, Trump Too Sexist, Racist and Dumb to be Real
An enraged Hillary Rodham Clinton blew up at President Obama, demanding he “call off your f--king dogs” looking into her emails during a tense Oval Office meeting, according to a new book. The book...
GOP primary voters have returned to their preferred method of candidate selection.
By now it’s clear: even fellow Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham have piled on, the mainstream media is in an uproar, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is demanding he drop out of the race, and the only people who agree with Ben Carson’s statements about a Muslim president, Sharia, and the Constitution are racist, bigoted Islamophobes.“I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country,” said Carson, and hatemongers everywhere applauded.The Islamophobes even piled on with hateful statements of their own:Let’s face the grim truth ... There is no evidence whatever that Islam in its various political forms is compatible with modern democracy. From Afghanistan under the Taliban to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and from Iran to Sudan, there is no Islamist entity that can be said to be democratic, just, or a practitioner of good governance.Oh, the Islamophobia! Ibrahim Hooper and Nihad Awad of CAIR are no doubt gearing up for another press conference to denounce that one, but they’re coming so thick and fast that those guardians of the Constitution may not be able to keep up.Here’s another:The first basic difference between the political system endorsed by Islam and democracy is that in democracy, the ultimate authority lies with the people. In Islam, however, the ultimate authority doesn’t belong to people; it belongs to God alone. That means that both the ruler and the ruled in Islam are subject to a higher criterion for decision-making, that is, divine guidance.That would mean that the Constitution would have to give way to Sharia wherever the two conflict, as another Islamophobe makes clear when he says:Democracy runs counter to Islam on several issues. ... In democracy, legislation is the prerogative of the people. It is the people who draw up the constitution, and they have the authority to amend it as well. On this issue we differ.Supposedly, in Islamic thought only Allah legislates. There is no shortage of Islamophobes who spew this hate.Another howled that in Islam, “democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place.”Still another yelped that in Islam, “democracy is evil, the parliament is evil and legislation is evil.”One Islamophobe went Carson one better, saying not only that a Muslim should not be president, but that Muslims shouldn’t even participate in elections. He had the audacity to claim that “electing a president or another form of leadership or council members is prohibited in Islam.”These Islamophobes have even tried to convince people that because Islam is a “comprehensive system of governance,” many Muslims reject democracy as “a system whereby man violates the right of Allah and decides what is permissible or impermissible for mankind, based solely on their whims and desires.”One complained that some Muslims even assert that they can only participate in politics in Western societies “on Islam’s terms.”These must be the kind of Islamophobic statements Carson was reading when he formulated his hateful, bigoted opinions. Shameful.So who said the awful statements above? Pamela Geller? Geert Wilders? Some other hatemongering profiteer whom all decent people must shun?Oh.In order, the authors of the Islamophobic statements I quote above are:Hisham Melhem, the Washington bureau chief of Al-Arabiya,Renowned moderate Muslim and Islamic apologist Jamal Badawi,Syrian Islamic scholar Abd Al-Karim Bakkar,The leader of Iran’s Shia Taliban, Mesbah Yazdi,Australian Muslim cleric Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon,Saudi Islamic scholar, Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Nassir Al Barrak,A Muslim group in Wales that plastered Cardiff with posters denouncing democracy and exhorting Muslims not to vote, andA Muslim group in Denmark that likewise urged Muslims to boycott elections.Carson’s detractors would no doubt dismiss all these Muslims as “extremists.” All they have to do to make their case, after all, is point to all the thriving Constitutional republics that have Muslim majorities and guarantee freedom of speech, equal rights for women and non-Muslims, and other aspects of traditional Islamic law that Islamophobes claim contradict the Constitution.Hmm.In reality, there is not a single country to which they can point. There is no democratic tradition in the Islamic world. There is no history of secular republics, no concept of the equality of all people before the law.People often invoke Turkey as an example of how Islam and democracy are fully compatible. In reality, the secular Turkish republic was established in an atmosphere of war with Islam, with explicit restrictions placed upon political Islam that were considered necessary so as to rein in its authoritarian, supremacist, anti-democratic tendencies. Now, the Erdogan regime is reasserting Islam’s political aspects. Turkish secularism has been severely weakened, and may not be long for this world.The absence of Constitutional republics in the Islamic world is no accident. It comes from: Islam’s sharp dichotomy between believers and unbelievers, retarding the development of the principle of equality of rights for all; its blasphemy laws, which hinder the freedom of speech and intellectual development; and its vision of Allah as a solitary and all-powerful despot whose will is absolute -- hardly an ideal model upon which to build the idea of parliamentary give-and-take in order to discover the truth or determine the best path.In Islam, Allah alone reveals the truth and marks out the straight path: Islam.“We are a different kind of nation,” Ben Carson said as the controversy raged over his remarks. “Part of why we rose so quickly is because we wouldn’t allow our values or principles to be supplanted because we were going to be politically correct. … Part of the problem today is that we’re so busy trying to be politically correct, that we lose all perspective.”Indeed. Lost in the Carson firestorm is the question of whether or not he was right about Islam and Sharia. He was.Whatever becomes of his presidential ambitions, Americans owe him a debt of gratitude for, even for a brief period, breaking through the media fog of obfuscation about Islam and allowing for some honest discussion of these all-important matters. Even as he stands on the firing line, that may be the most valuable service this good man performs for his country.Ben Carson Backpedals on Muslim Remarks
The more Hillary Clinton castigates others, the more she convicts herself.
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