Many people thought Oliver Stone’s days of slamming the establishment were over. They were wrong.
Children as young as three are being taught about transgender issues and encouraged to discuss feelings of transgenderism
Stephen wants to know if Ted Cruz will be like Reagan, particularly when it comes to amnesty. Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/Colber...
The exchange lit up the Internet in March.
In a Rare exclusive, Rand Paul blasts Donald Trump for his abuse of eminent domain.
Obama has reinterpreted the immigration laws to greatly expand the class of immigrants with "specialized" skills who can get visas.
The media is right now freaking out that Donald Trump did not correct a questioner who suggested that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Obviously, I am not a fan of Donald Trump but this is completely asinine, and not only that, it is ridiculously hypocritical. Whether Barack Obama is a Muslim or not is of absolutely no importance at this point - he's never running | Read More »
It’s hard to exaggerate how shocking it is that Scott Walker is out of the 2016 race on September 21.
Double-amputee Brian Mast running for Allen West's old seat
Is impeachment the only solution for lack of executive accountability?
The VP’s supporters say Brooklyn is subtly warning him not to run.
Rebel Megaphone blogger Mindy Alter writes: Want to know why conservatives face more than an uphill struggle these days? A lot of it has to do with the insidious and pervasive influence of the Frankfurt School, a group of German thinkers whose nutty Marxist ideas have thoroughly infested academia, politics and popular culture.
It was the story that sparked outrage across America. A bright 14-year old student brought a homemade clock into MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas to impress a teacher. But instead of earning
Huckabee said Obama is insulting the pope by inviting gay rights and pro-abortion activists.
The media are ignoring the actual content of Sanders's campaigns in favor of reporting on crowd size.
The White House has released their report card of the nation’s colleges and universities, but some say it is filled with political bias, leaving it not making the grade.
A new survey released Monday purports to prove that 1 in 5 women (or more) will be sexually assaulted while in college.
The survey, conducted by the Association for American Universities, included responses from 150,000 students at 27 colleges and universities, including many Ivy League schools. Despite this large number of responses, the survey still suffers from the same problems as so many others trying to prove the existence of rape culture and scare colleges into expelling innocent students based on no evidence (or evidence to the contrary).
John talks with Economist Art Carden about how high prices draw scarce resources to where they are needed most. http://www.LibertyPen.com
John Dickerson, replacing Bob Schieffer as the new host of Face the Nation, will continue the same level of objectivity that CBS has brought to viewers for half a century. In 1964, when CBS was one third of all television news, Walter Cronkite and Daniel Schorr repeatedly smeared Barry Goldwater as a crypto-Nazi. His successor, Dan Rather, blew himself up in spectacular fashion with RatherGate in 2004, as dissected by all those bloggers in their Pajamas, to coin a Website name. In 2007, Rather's successor, Scott Pelley, violating 32 flavors of Godwin's Law in the same fashion as Cronkite, 'was asked why he refused to include global warming skeptics in his reporting. He responded, 'If I do an interview with Elie Wiesel, am I required as a journalist to find a Holocaust denier?'', as NewsBusters noted.All of which is why, as John Nolte wrote in 2013 at Big Journalism, 'Reading the Left’s fevered desires over at Slate isn’t anything new:'Not even articles breathlessly titled and subtitled:Go for the Throat! Why if he wants to transform American politics, Obama must declare war on the Republican Party.Not even articles that read:The president who came into office speaking in lofty terms about bipartisanship and cooperation can only cement his legacy if he destroys the GOP. If he wants to transform American politics, he must go for the throat. …Obama’s only remaining option is to pulverize. Whether he succeeds in passing legislation or not, given his ambitions, his goal should be to delegitimize his opponents. Through a series of clarifying fights over controversial issues, he can force Republicans to either side with their coalition’s most extreme elements or cause a rift in the party that will leave it, at least temporarily, in disarray.Slate is what it is and some bloodthirsty Slate writer orgasmic over the prospect of Obama permanently pulverizing and destroying the GOP is as noteworthy as green on grass.Oh, except after someone like Brit Hume connects the dots.The author of this outrageous left-wing fever dream is John Dickerson, whom Slate describes as “Slate’s chief political correspondent”. What Slate leaves out of its little bio, though, is that Dickerson is also the political director at CBS News.Dickerson is merely being Dickerson, and there’s no doubt he speaks for legions upon legions of those in the media today.And just in time for the 2016 election, Dickerson will be the host of Face the Nation. What could go wrong?
Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: http://itsh.bo/10r5A1B Bill Maher and panelists Jorge Ramos, Chris Matthews, Mark Cuban and former Gov. George Pataki dis...
Martin Shkreli, the chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, explains the increase in drug prices in a CNBC interview.
By Charlie Jameson The trouble with economic policy ideas that involve state intervention is that they sound so simple and are easily misunderstood as no-brainer solutions by the uninformed. Energy bills are too high? Nationalise the industry. We need to convert to renewable energy? Simple, harness tidal energy and build…
The FBI refused to cooperate Monday with a court-ordered inquiry into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email server, telling the State Department that they won’t even confirm they are investigating the matter themselves, much less willing to tell the rest of the government what’s going on.
An obscure provision that takes effect in 2017 could help a Republican president waive parts of the law without a single vote from Congress.