Donald Trump has a long history of supporting failed liberal policies. See if you can tell the difference between his statements and Hillary Clinton's.
Donald Trump's bluntness would not be so successful if the Republican leadership were good at their jobs. Bill Whittle explains.
"...that makes you as big a narcissist as Donald Trump."
The Iranian regime, including leaders Ayatollah Khamenei and Hossein Sheikh Al-Islam, disclosed confidential details from the nuclear negotiations. The regime ...
Let’s start by stating the obvious: Hillary Rodham Clinton would be a formidable presidential candidate in 2016. Mrs. Clinton’s credentials as secretary of state, as a United States sen…
The pro-life advocates behind the five shocking videos exposing Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies for research have released a 6th video today that shows how the abortion business sells body parts of aborted babies without patient consent.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT The video features Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who unsuspectingly took a job [?]
Three men who lowered the flag at the American Embassy in 1961 will be there on Friday to raise it again.
A group of armed members of the New Black Panther Party marched on the Waller County Jail Wednesday afternoon chanting “The revolution is on… Off the pigs,” and "Oink Oink... Bang Bang!" The group of about fifteen Black Panthers exercised their First and Second Amendment rights. The group was met in Waller County by a large contingent of Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies.
A majority of American voters think Hillary Clinton's emails should be subject to a criminal investigation, a Monmouth University poll out Wednesday has found.
Ted Cruz was badgered on homosexual marriage and was having none of it.
The revelation that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private emails contained sensitive information derived from spy satellites and signal intelligence undercuts her defense that she had no reason to believe she was dealing with classified information, security experts say.
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was on the BillO show tonight and pointed out that had he done a fraction of what Hillary Clinton did with her email server, he would be on his way to Ft. Leavenworth by now. ...
Senator Rand Paul sat down with Laura Ingraham of the Laura Ingraham Show said that his primary opponent Jeb Bush was “not a conservative” and that he didn’t...
In Norwood, Ohio, a group of black teens assault a 13-year-old white teen just outside a church festival. The 13-year-old was taken to the hospital and is being watched for signs of a concussion. T...
And Carly Fiorina surges to third place
Senator Rand Paul came on The O'reilly Factor (Fox News) to talk about Donald Trump's views and outlandish comments he has made. Paul went on to say that the...
The former tech executive said that the server was "capable of being hacked and probably has been"
A staggering 80% of Latino illegal immigrant families in California are living in poverty and need government assistance. The Obama ...
It certainly contains some attractive features from an Iranian perspective.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban isn't finished talking about politics. This offseason, he's Cyber Dusted on a plethora of political topics. Donald Trump, the GOP debate, Ted Cruz. He was even?
Via: NOAA July 2015 – USA – Below Normal For 3rd Year in a Row — sunshinehours1 @ 8:08 AM According to the NOAA , Maximum temperatures in the USA were -0.77F colder than the 1901-2000 average. 193...
A quirk in the law means the IRS will never be able to recoup nearly $350 million in overpayments on Obamacare tax credits last year, and one top senator says he is worried that fraudsters will exploit the loophole to wring more cash out of the government.
Have you been taken in by a myth about Article V? Here are the five most common.