Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter says he has cancer and will undergo treatment at an Atlanta hospital.
Ben Carson said "I don't believe in the progressive model of you poor poor little thing you're the victim and I'm going to take care of you"
Carly Fiorina said under her the US would be "more aggressive in helping our allies in that region push back against new Chinese aggression"
The two men leading Huffington Post’s new Arabic site have been accused of having direct involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Donald Trump has a lead in the race to win over likely Iowa caucus-goers, according to the first CNN/ORC poll in Iowa this cycle. Scott Walker falls to third.
"Black Lives Matter" activists from Boston have come forward with some details of their brief backstage meeting with Clinton.
Carly Fiorina’s response to climate change is marked by an economic, scientific, and geopolitical realism that may be even more helpful.
Fifty-one percent voters believe Clinton's private email use was mainly a matter of convenience.
In a Sunday interview with a website called Shark-Tank, GOP contender Sen. Ted Cruz that he believes President Obama's unlawful executive amnesty shielding millions of illegal aliens from deportation would "change who we are as a country," and said that all legal immigration is "good," stressing his support for the rule of law.
Twelve years ago, in August 2003, Joe Lieberman led in most polls of the Democratic primary. Eight years ago, in August 2007, Rudy Giuliani maintained a clear lead in polls of Republicans, while Hi…

Rand Paul: "Telling It Like It Is"

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump is a fake conservative! We need a real reformer who will defeat the Washington Machine and unleash the American dream. We need Rand Paul! Learn ...
REP. TREY GOWDY: Every explanation Secretary Clinton has provided about a week later was proven to be demonstrably false. this is just the latest one of those assertions that there was no classified info. i saw the clip this morning. she was very definitive - she neither sent or received classified information. Well, that is patently false. hat I'm primarily concerned with is whether or not I'm going to have access to records that i need to do the job that the House asked me to do... If she were interested in cooperation she wouldn't have done any of the things she's done to date. This was not about cooperation, and Bill, frankly, it's not about convenience, it's about control. she wanted to control access to the public record, and she almost got away with it but she didn't.
Cognitive disorders of college students
Two Texas police officers, one white and one black, offered a gripping message in response to the "Black Lives Matter" movement – and their photo is now going viral. The Trinity Police Department tweeted out a photo of police Chief Steven Jones and officer Donald Givens back in...
Hillary Clinton hasn't been shy about attacking Scott Walker on Twitter in the past. And she's up to her old tricks again. This time, she decided to attack Walker about ...
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is spending the week traversing southern states in hopes of building support for the March 1 contests that make up the so-called "SEC primary."
There was a remembrance march held in Ferguson, Missouri that was supposed to be peaceful in nature. It started as such but ended differently.
The left loves to portray the right as bigots who hate minorities, women, Muslims, and gays. So the media latch onto any claim of perceived discrimination or hate, real or not, and report it with glee (forget investigation and due diligence!). Obviously, crimes do occur that are genuinely motivated by someone’s ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. But many are simply hoaxes committed by liberal activists for the cause of furthering their agenda. The media makes no distinctions in figuring out which ones are real and which are staged. Just this past week, two more alleged hate crimes were debunked. After a gay bar owner’s business burned down in 2012, he complained he was ‘targeted’ because of his sexual orientation. He finally admitted to committing the act himself and was charged August 4.
No president in our country’s history has been more concerned about his legacy than has Barack Obama. How ironic that people might someday best remember our first African-American Commander in Chief for ...
Unlike BP, which was fined $5.5 billion for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster, the EPA will pay nothing in fines for unleashing the Animas River spill.
In the last two weeks, national news outlets have published no fewer than five articles about the evils of air conditioning.First, the Washington Post described how Europeans can’t understand our national addiction to A/C. Then the article described how, with so many rising cities in tropical climes such as India and the Amazon adopting American standards of comfort, the whole concept clearly poses a threat to the planet. (For the record, they also don’t seem to understand why we like ice in our drinks.)The logic here was easily refuted: Europeans live on a continent where almost every major city is north of New York. Put Europeans in Alabama for a couple of weeks in July, and they’ll be begging for both refrigerated air and refrigerated drinks.But then, the media took a sinister turn. Air conditioning, it seems, is less an American affliction than a masculine infliction upon women. At first it was just the Washington Post; now the New York Times and Sky News are getting into the act.Watch. Within another week, every big-city newspaper will have a story about this, with intrepid city desk reporters visiting three office buildings and a major downtown department store to check the A/C levels, and with calls to at least one HR department and building management company to find out how they set the thermostats.(As I write this, someone just pointed me to the Denver Post’s reprint of the Post story.)Local TV news will pick up the thread, some as a serious news report, others with the guy who does 'man about town' stories walking through the newsroom in August with a heavy winter jacket on. Some producer will add in a special effect of the reporter's breath freezing on the camera lens.At that point, it will have entered the public consciousness as 'something that everyone knows.' Not even a punchline for the late-night comics, but more as fodder for analogies and similes: 'I was out at this club, one that's made out of ice. Yeah, you know the one, almost as cold as the offices here at NBC.'There's no way on God's green Earth anyone is going to persuade me this wasn't planned. Journolist may be dead, but its spirit lives on. So why now?Probably in coordination with the EPA's coal-killed, energy price-spiking, 'You didn’t really need that electricity, anyway, did you?' regulations.Indeed, the study that launched a thousand stories even appeared in Nature’s spin-off, Nature Climate Change. Not only are we addicted to cool, that addiction is making things worse!Not only is this setting the stage for the immediate EPA regulations, it’s telling people that 1) they’re not efficient; 2) central control by the public utilities, under government regulation, is more efficient, and; 3) they won’t even notice, or if they do, they’ll actually thank the power company for setting the temperatures for them.The comfort puritans aren’t even going after the fattest target. According to the Energy Information Agency, only 6.2% of home energy use is devoted to A/C; we’ve already cut heating down to 41% from 53% since 2009.Commercial numbers (where people work during the day) are a little harder to come by, but the National Academy of Sciences reports that 57% of commercial energy use was devoted to heating and lighting, with the remainder split among A/C, water heating, and refrigeration. Of that, only 17% is for office buildings, with the rest going to plants, schools, hospitals, and so on.Of course, without regulatory overkill and artificial scarcity, none of this would be necessary. We’d be able to afford all the chill we wanted. Instead, the regulators would rather try to convince us that worse is better, less is more, and hotter is cooler. And while Europeans may be easy for Americans to dismiss, the men vs. women angle is part of what they think is the natural Left coalition: anyone who's pro-A/C must be waging a War on Women.One article starts off with a woman in Omaha, upset because her office is too cold. I've been in Omaha in August. It's every bit as bad as D.C. in August, and I spent 25 Augusts in D.C. You walk out of the building, and it's like you're hit with a wall of water. I can think of many cities that need A/C less than D.C. does, but few that need it more than Omaha.Don’t let them tell you otherwise.
"Transportation fuels our economy," Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) and DOT chief Anthony Foxx wrote. 

Rand Paul: "Telling It Like It Is"

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump is a fake conservative! We need a real reformer who will defeat the Washington Machine and unleash the American dream. We need Rand Paul! Learn ...