Two House subcommittees discussing Obama's executive orders on immigration were met with protesters today.
The law is the law. The State Department must stop stonewalling and make public its report its report on Iran’s human rights record.
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) president Richard Cohen responded to the Charleston, South Carolina church shooting by saying that hate groups are on the rise because President Obama is a black man
Foreign policy is one area where Sanders hasn't taken quite as independent of a course.

A Dull Lancet

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

A recent clearing out of some of the contents of Dalrymple's library leads to a joyful act, the tossing out of copies of The Lancet: Week after week, when I subscribed to the print edition of The L...
Clinton plans to emphasize her experience, but will add a new tactic: focus on her personal life. http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/hillary-clinton-s...
When Michelle Obama announced the US and UK will collaborate on a $180m global campaign to get girls into school, she wasn't really talking about education.
DOWNLOADS COMING THIS WED (6/24)! Movie website: http://www.AudacityMovie.com From Living Waters, creators of the award-winning TV program “The Way of the Ma...
Alexander Hamilton will be removed from the $10 bill, despite his importance. Well, we no longer deserve him. Here's who should replace him and others.
Comments cater to religious conservatives without supporting a federal role in solutions.
Ann Coulter argued that the media ignores immigration because it doesn't want people to think about the subject
President Obama on Thursday addressed the horrific massacre of nine people in a Charleston, South Carolina church--and then boarded Air Force One to California for a series of high-dollar fundraisers to benefit the Democrat party.
The horrible tragedy last night that left nine people dead at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., probably could have been avoided.
The technical details are a little difficult here so let's put it this way - idiotic and utterly incompetent government officials outsourced IT management of highly sensitive information to compani...
The U.S. Supreme Court took different paths in two rulings delivered Thursday on cases concerning the First Amendment’s right to freedom of speech.
Backward, southern, hick, redneck racists would be offended today if they had televisions, thanks to MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, who took the occasion of the heinous murders in Charleston, SC, to suggest that that entire region of the United States suffers from an inability of white people to work with black people.
24-year-old college student Charles Clarke was on his way from Cincinnati to Orlando to head back home after a month-long visit with relatives when something happened to him that he would later describe as "devastating."
According to an audit, the federal government does no know if $2.8 billion in subsidies granted as part of the Affordable Care Act went to "confirmed enrollees, in the correct amounts."
A guide via The Washington Post and campus activists everywhere.

Rates Vs. Economic Reality

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Is all the bad U.S economic data the exception to the rule? Please Like, Share, & Subscribe Follow on Twitter: @AustrianMarkets Song: FKJ - Open The Door BLS...
House Oversight Committee chairman called to subpoena false documents in an investigation into Congress’s fraudulent applications to D.C.’s Obamacare exchange.
The House on Thursday voted to advance legislation to give President Barack Obama fast-track authority to negotiate a mammoth Pacific trade deal, reviving the prospects for the President to achieve a key element of his agenda.
According to Salon, every white person in America is responsible for the murderous actions of 21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof who shot and killed nine black Christians at a church during a Bible study Wednesday night in Charleston, South Carolina. Beginning the news day, the leftist and blatantly racist outlet tweeted the following message:  
Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul wants businesses and individuals to pay a federal flat tax of 14.5 percent.