After a House Benghazi Select Committee discovered either Hillary Clinton or the State Department withheld Benghazi emails, House Speaker John Boehner used the occasion to throw Bill Clinton's infid
Check out the entire Klavan & Whittle series, by becoming a member at PJTV: http://www.pjtv.com/subscribe/ But for now, don't miss this episode-- 'should pro...
Siding with President Obama, House Speaker John Boehner has brought down the hammer on “rebel” Republicans who voted their consciences and bucked “the team” on TPA (Fast Track) and TAA. By William F. Jasper
What if a team of Chinese agents had broken into the Pentagon or — less box office but just as bad — the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and carted out classified documents?
Yesterday's testimony by Clinton capo Sidney Blumenthal before the House Select Committee on Benghazi was so exciting, Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was forced to turn people away from the door at the sold-out event.

How to Win in 2016

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

You won’t find the answers by trying to recreate 2000 or 2004. Let’s move on to a big win.
A slim majority of Americans now feel U.S. intervention in Iraq was a mistake, a Fox News poll concluded. After 12 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, 51 percent of the 1,006 registered voters surveyed said the war in Iraq was a mistake while 42 percent said war in Afghanistan was a mistake, the Washington Times reported. Both surveys revealed a six-point drop from last year. Republican opinions of the war, meanwhile, have held steady — about 30 percent finding the wars to be a mistake. While Republicans remain the political group least likely to express regret for the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, a slight change in Democrats' and independents' views is why a lower proportion of the country now sees either conflict as a mistake, wrote Andrew Dugan, a Gallup analyst. Compared with last year, Democrats are seven points less likely to see Iraq as a mistake and eight points less likely to see Afghanistan as a mistake. Independents saw similar movement on these questions.
A new batch of pro-conservative street art has popped up in the Los Angeles area: posters of Senator Ted Cruz, shirtless and tattooed, ready to kick ass.
Barney Frank, a key architect of financial-crisis era legislation that reshaped the financial industry, is joining a bank board.
Team Clinton Stunned At Latest Poll Showing Bernie Sanders Threatening To Win Primary
The most explosive passage in Michael Oren's new book on the frayed U.S.-Israel relationship is not about President Barack Obama's repeated fights with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Rather, it is about Obama himself.
Attackers had valid user credentials and run of network, bypassing security.

The Trump clown show

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Can we all just ignore him?
Republican leaders vowed Wednesday to find a way to resurrect the trade deal Democrats sank less than a week ago, insisting they will corral enough votes to make sure President Obama gets the controversial fast-track negotiating powers he’ll need to strike a Pacific trade deal.
Brit Hume on college campuses and the rights of the accused on 'The Kelly File'
Billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump’s Tuesday presidential announcement has sparked intrigue from many and ire from some groups like the Club for Growth, which immediately—and foolishly—called for Trump to be banned from the Republican presidential debates.
CNN’s Bash: Hillary's Problem is Voters 'Know Her And Don’t Trust Her'
Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh predicted that Donald Trump's message will "resonate" with people

Truth about Adolf Hitler

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Anonymous: “Please explain why Hitler wasn’t responsible for the 11 million people murdered in the Holocaust, for invading countries, and why I, as a young intellectual of Jewish descent, should find...
Jim Jordan believes that Republican leaders have tended to yield to Democratic demands rather than keeping the promises they made on the campaign trail in 2014.
Rachel Dolezal married African American physical therapist Kevin Moore in 2000.Their marriage ended five years later in a bitter court battle. She claims she suffered 'years' of abuse.
A new study in the American Journal of Public Health claims that the state of Connecticut’s 1995 gun licensing law has reduced firearm homicide rates by 40 percent. But this just released study gives academics a bad name.

The Did-Something Candidate

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Scott Walker stands out in the 2016 field for running on his record. How does it stack up?
The contemporary anti-science left