The Oxford Union has passed a motion stating that it is institutionally racist.
Rules in the works are drawing fire from critics who cry overreach.
The North Carolina legislature voted to override the veto of a bill which allows magistrates and clerks to recuse themselves from performing marriages.
More than 100 colleges and universities in California could soon be required to establish special resource centers for students residing illegally in the United States.

Titles Are Not Accomplishments

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

At the end of last month the NUS hosted its Black Students’ Conference, which was much ridiculed by the right on Twitter for its hatred of white people that frankly made the dislike of men on show at the NUS
Alex Wagner, along with her three liberal guests, ripped Jerry Seinfeld on her MSNBC program on Wednesday, for his blast at "creepy" political correctness. Wagner hinted that Seinfeld had "fallen behind the times." New York magazine's Annie Lowrey mocked his critique: "I kind of roll my eyes at Jerry Seinfeld. You know, he's a billionaire – like I don't feel sorry for him if people don't laugh hard enough at his jokes."
In an appearance Thursday on Fox and Friends, Ryan criticized Breitbart News and other conservative media including the highly influential Drudge Report, which have revealed the immigration and climate change provisions within President Obama’s trade agenda.
From Utah through the upper Midwest and into the Northeast, children across much of the North are less likely to live in single-family households on average.
Reddit, in a delicate balance between harassment and free speech, banned groups that criticized gays, blacks and others.
Voat has been down for much of Wednesday, crushed under the weight of a massive exodus from Reddit after the popular link-sharing site dropped a ban on some of
Reddit users are switching in their droves to the lookalike site Voat, following Reddit's decision to ban five subreddits. Yesterday, the so-called front page of the internet announced that it was closing down r/hamplanethatred, r/transfags, r/neofag, and r/shitniggerssay, as well as r/fatpeoplehate - by far the biggest of the five, with [...]
Beyond the language barrier, it is not clear that they consider their vacation time as an opportunity to subvert the Castro regime.
Speaking at the Catholic Health Association Conference on June 9, President Barack Obama defended the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare) in the face of a looming Supreme Court ruling that could result in many people losing subsidies for now-mandated health insurance. Rather than focusing on the merits of...
It appears that Shia really wants Scott Walker to announce already.
A married Army general on Tuesday introduced his same-sex spouse at a Pentagon event that featured lots of top brass, including Defense Secretary Ashton Carter as the keynote speaker.
The RNC is now openly arguing that the Kochs’ political operation is trying to control the Republican Party’s master voter file, and to gain influence over — some even say control of — the GOP.
When failed discrimination plaintiff Ellen Pao was appointed CEO of Reddit last January, many predicted a new age of censorship.
Ted Cruz is planning to battle his party over Obamacare again — this time, if Senate Republicans seek to extend subsidies that could be killed by the Supreme Court as soon as this month. In an interview with POLITICO, the 2016 presidential candidate weighed in on the high-stakes Supreme Court case that could end subsidies for millions of people...
In a one-on-one interview with Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough, presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul said Jeb Bush would not be conservative enough to get the Republican nomination.. JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is Jeb Bush conservative enough to be the nominee. RAND PAUL: I seriously doubt it. I think he has trouble -- I think he has trouble on two fronts. One, getting the nomination and convincing conservatives that he is conservative. But his she second problem is the Bush legacy on war will destroy any hope of getting the independent vote. If you look at me in the purple states, I'm the only one who beats Hillary Clinton in Colorado, Iowa, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.
Understanding the opposition has been essential for success - from Ancient warriors like Sun Tzu, to modern tacticians in sports and business. You don’t norm...
A look at the forums recently given the boot from "the Internet's front page."
A Kokomo woman has taken it upon herself to make sure her 99-year-old neighbor and best friend has a very special 100th birthday next week.
We've come to a point where an opinion is equal to a criminal act. That's what one Miami principal discovered after he was fired from his position because he stated his ...
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s efforts to provide favors to major donors to her husband’s global charity or her own political career stretch back far earlier than her tenure as America’s top diplomat, dating to the time she served as a U.S. senator and had the power to earmark federal funds and influence legislation, records show.