Universities need to stop giving students caps and gowns when they graduate. Instead, I recommend they give them helmets and wrap them in bubble wrap.
I'm impressed by the coolness and steadiness of our media in suppressing any news about immigration. It's as if they've built a triple-layer fence with border guards around immigration topics. And guess what? Their fence is working!

The Anguish of 'Jerusalem, Blank'

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

This week brought new reminders of the consequences—big and small—of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
According to this feminist website, using the word “trigger” in the phrase “trigger warning” can be triggering.
In a possible sign that President Obama's political coattails aren't long enough to help Democrat Hillary Clinton, a new Democratic poll shows that she would lose the key battleground state of Ohio big, potentially crushing her White House bid. The poll showed that Clinton would lose 47 percent to 40 percent to Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who is likely to enter the race. But that's not all. She would also lose to Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, 44 percent to 41 percent, and tie Sen. Marco Rubio at 44 percent. The key to Kasich's advantage is that 89 percent of Republicans support him, compared to 75 percent of Democrats for Clinton, said the latest survey from Public Policy Polling of the former House member and budget expert. Ohio Gov. John Kasich is popular in his state and considering a presidential bid. AP Photo
Wisconsin expanded charter schools, choice
An Amherst College student blacked out, accompanied a fellow student back to her dorm room after drinking in February 2012. While he was blacked out, she performed oral sex on him. Nearly two years later, she would accuse him of sexual assault. And under Amherst's guilty-until-proven-innocent (and even then, as we'll see, still guilty) hearing standards, the accused student was expelled. The accused student — using the pseudonym John Doe — is suing the university for denying him due process. His lawyer had discovered text messages that prove the accused student did not initiate the encounter and in no way sexually assaulted the accuser. Despite this evidence, the university refused to reopen Doe's case. RELATED ARTICLE:
Clinton's silence on issues that split Democrats reinforces the worst narratives about her candidacy.
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s efforts to provide favors to major donors to her husband’s global charity or her own political career stretch back far earlier than her tenure as America’s top diplomat, dating to the time she served as a U.S. senator and had the power to earmark federal funds and influence legislation, records show.
Mark Steyn discusses "safe spaces" and the fluffy-bunny totalitarianism of college campuses on the Rush Limbaugh program. 06/08/15 http://www.steynonline.com...
For too long, Washington’s out-of-touch permanent political class has yawned at the wishes of conservatives and Tea Party members.
Texas Governor Abbott held a ceremony to sign the toughest and most comprehensive border security plan of any state in the United States.
“We don’t yet have a complete strategy,” Obama says. No kidding.
Known history and established precedent prove that Congress will not control a Convention of States.
As their struggles persist and political excitement dims, Hillary Clinton faces a challenge to inspire these voters.
Despite a heavy push by President Barack Obama, a majority of Americans worry a sweeping trade accord will negatively impact U.S. workers.
A new report from the Inspector General at the Department of Homeland Security has found that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) failed to properly screen 73 commercial airport workers who appeared on terrorist-related vetting lists or are "linked to terrorism."
The phrase is just one of many that faculty were advised not to use.
Some GOP members say that TPA will "constrain the president," but it's just not true.
It aims to identify people who are not annually declaring all of their foreign assets to the IRS.
Left media is ablaze with articles condemning the police response to a pool party at a McKinney, Texas, subdivision. Now a video is emerging showing why police were called to the scene to begin with – violence.
When someone breaks into your home, you're probably going to feel violated. Dietta Gueye felt like she wanted to protect herself in case it happened again. It did. And she was.
Discovered inside the huge tranche of secretive Obamatrade documents released by Wikileaks are key details on how technically any Republican voting for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would fast-track trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal would technically also be voting to massively expand President Obama’s executive authority when it comes to immigration matters.
'We been giving away white allyships ... for far too long.' ... Read more
Kookegey presided over 2012 passage of resolution criticizing Haslam over the role of a Muslim staffer.