Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's
Justice Department’s national security chief cites six-month transition period in the USA Freedom Act as a reason to turn the bulk surveillance spigot back on
The General Convention of the Episcopal Church convenes in about two weeks, where they will consider an amendment to the canons smoothing out a discrepancy between the Book of Common Prayer and the...
The wish to silence, censor, and impede thought is just as strong a human emotion as the desire for free expression -- especially when censorship is cloaked in rhetoric about fairness, equality, justice, and all the other euphemisms for not allowing the free promulgation of ideas.
Clinton Foundation Got Millions from Fiercely Anti Gay African Church
While the administration maintains the CRA played no role in the housing crisis, a major new study finds the law in fact "led to riskier lending by banks."

A Tale of Two Crooks and the IRS

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Two cases in which the agency was a tool for political revenge and harassment.
McKINNEY, Texas — More than a thousand people rallied outside an elementary school here Monday night in the wake of a viral video showing an incident between a police officer and a teenager, while a new video provided a different angle of Friday's confrontation.
We are a generation filled with way more opportunity than we could ever imagine.
As a candidate for President of the United States, Barack Obama promised to restore balance to the Constitution, after what many argued was a period of executive overreach, infringing on civil liberties and the balance of powers. When he launched his campaign, he even referred to his past career as a "civil rights lawyer," and a constitutional law teacher. Once in office, however, Obama expanded executive powers even further, and led a 6-year assault on judicial independence.
It’s plainly liberating for President Obama to simply deny reality and declare everything just peachy, as he did again Monday at the G7 summit in Germany. Sadly, reality’s not cooperating. One of h...
In The Wall Street Journal, Jessica Gavora writes that now that Title IX is used to suppress free speech, even liberals are alarmed. Where have they been?
Almost 800 years ago to the day, on 25 June 1215, some English barons and clergymen met on a field known as Runnymede and watched the king of England put the royal seal on a document known today as Magna Cartaa document limiting the power of the king and granting rights to ordinary citizens. It was one of those rare times in history, when brave men stood up to a tyrant and changed the world for the better.

The Title IX Show Trials

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

However creatively/abusively one interprets Title IX, it is superseded by the First Amendment.
Over the weekend, the normally stolid New York Times published an almost hysterical screed targeting the operators of the Navy’s SEAL Team Six. The article accused them of a variety of war crimes, including the unprovoked murder of civilians, the summary execution of enemy combatants, the mutilation of corpses and the use of snipers to kill little girls.
Unfortunately, the Common Core zombie is still around, and it will take another few years and another several million lost children before its death is acknowledged by all. Yet no matter how much more money is poured into it, and how much denial it faces, Common Core is effectively dead.
Disbarred terror lawyer Lynne Stewart was granted compassionate release from federal prison in December 2013.
Says who? Residents of poor black neighborhoods.
Disbarred terror lawyer Lynne Stewart was granted compassionate release from federal prison in December 2013.
The Islamic State is nimble. The Islamic State is aggressive. The Islamic State is opportunistic. So far, so good - at this point in the speech we don't disagree with any of the attributes that…
The New York Times tried to make Marco Rubio look bad by using Democratic opposition research. They ended up embarrassing themselves.
Freshman GOP congresswoman Rep. Mimi Walters (R-CA) has been on television pushing Obamatrade—appearing Monday on Morning Joe on MSNBC to do so—but her office admits publicly she hasn’t read the bill she wants to fast-track through Congress.
The decision could affect tens of thousands of students, and the education department said it would create a process to help others who were defrauded by colleges.
State Department officials edited out passages of a high-profile report in 2013 that could have embarrassed Hillary Clinton just days before she quit President Obama's Cabinet. The officials, inside the Inspector General's office, excised details of an cover-up of misconduct by Clinton's security team. The edits raise concerns that investigators were subjected to undue influence from agency officials. The Washington Examiner obtained earlier drafts of the report which differ markedly from the final version. References to specific cases in which high-level State officials intervened and descriptions of the extent and frequency of those interventions appear in several early drafts but were later eliminated. The unexplained gaps in the final version, and the removal of passages that would have damaged the State Department, call into question the independence of Harold Geisel, who was State's temporary inspector general throughout Clinton's four years at the head of the department.
The Export-Import Bank generates headlines because, after more than three-quarters of a century, it is about to go away. But it won't go away if Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, can do something about it.