
“Universities cannot function as marketplaces of ideas if free speech requires a warning sign or is otherwise severely limited on campus,” an attorney for the group said.


It’s been a very bad week for the IRS which translates into a very bad week for the American people.


Texas Southern University basketball arena was divided by a giant blue curtain, leaving three-quarters of the seats unavailable.


Remember when Barack Obama repeatedly promised that families would save $2,500 a year on healthcare premiums with Obamacare? He made ...


Are we to believe that a group of researchers who had previously received some $45 million in grants from EPA, no doubt hoping for more in the future, could possibly not have any dog in this fight? It’s probably not necessary to ask how this slipped past the incurious mainstream media.


On Wednesday during an Oversight Committee hearing with members of the State Department regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's personal e-mails, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) pressed for complete assurance that all information that is due to the public is now on record. Chief Freedom of Information Act Officer Joyce A. Barr timidly stated that the department has been "assured" by Clinton that they now have everything and they are taking her word for it. After all, as Barr indicated, that is how it works with any federal employee.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists have found a solution to the 15-year


I can already see this word being repeated consistently within the media now that Rick Perry has put himself in the running to be the Republican candidate for President in ...


Carelessness has cost patients, health care providers and taxpayers across the country.


The IRS responded to a Republican request for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation's tax-exempt status with a one-page form letter that starts with Dear Sir or Madam.
In May, more than 50 House Republicans asked the IRS to review the Clinton Foundation's tax-exempt status, after it became clear that the foundation had failed to report millions of dollars in grants from foreign governments.
That letter, led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, said a review was appropriate given that this money was accepted and not reported while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state.
In response, the IRS sent Blackburn a form letter, which Blackburn received late Wednesday. The letter thanked her for submitting the request, and said the IRS has an ongoing examination program to ensure tax-exempt groups comply with tax law.
The information you submitted will be considered in this program, it said. The letter was from Margaret Von Lienen, director of exempt organizations examinations, but she didn't sign it.


Two members of House GOP leadership—Majority Whip Steve Scalise and Rules Committee chairman Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX)—refused to admit through spokespersons to Breitbart News whether they have read the text of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Pacific Rim trade deal, but they still support granting President Barack Obama the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to fast track it.


The former Alaska governor wrote a fiery Facebook post about double standards


"During the roughly two years of Arab Spring protests that confronted authoritarian governments with popular uprisings, Clinton’s State Department approved $66 million worth of so-called Category 14 exports -- defined as "toxicological agents, including chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment" -- to nine Middle Eastern governments that either donated to the Clinton Foundation or whose affiliated groups paid Bill Clinton speaking fees," IBTimes reports.


Republican FEC Commissioner Lee Goodman acknowledged that he’s been exercising his “discretion” to hold up complaints against Republican and conservative groups.


The name "Marcus Luttrell" may be most recognizable from the multi-million dollar, blockbuster movie and best-selling novel, "Lone Survivor." But, on Wednesday, Luttrell could be seen standing behind Gov. Rick Perry as he launched his second presidential bid.


Remember the Patient Deflection and Unaffordable Care Act, rammed through Congress by the Obama administration in its heady, early days? The bureaucratic monstrosity overseen by the Internal Revnue Service that was going to provide 'health care' for all Americans at an 'affordable' price? Yeah, neither does the New York Times:Just a few years ago, lawmakers in this left-leaning state viewed President Obama’s Affordable Care Act as little more than a pit stop on the road to a far more ambitious goal: single-payer, universal health care for all residents.Then things unraveled. The online insurance marketplace that Vermont built to enroll people in private coverage under the law had extensive technical failures. The problems soured public and legislative enthusiasm for sweeping health care changes just as Gov. Peter Shumlin needed to build support for his complex single-payer plan. Finally, Mr. Shumlin, a Democrat, shelved the plan in December, citing the high cost to taxpayers. He called the decision “the greatest disappointment of my political life.”Priceless: 'Things unraveled.' All by themselves and just like that -- poof! Who could have seen any of this coming?As the United States Supreme Court prepares to rule in a case that could gut a major element of the Affordable Care Act — federal subsidies for low- and middle-income people — Vermont should have little to worry about. Only states that use the federally run insurance marketplace stand to lose subsidies if the court rules against the Obama administration, and Vermont is among the 14 states that fully run their own.But even though its residents’ subsidies appear safe for now, Vermont stands as a cautionary tale. Despite an eventual cost of up to $200 million in federal funds, its online marketplace, or exchange, is still not fully functional, while disgust with the system is running deep among residents and lawmakers alike.Meanwhile, the hopes for a single-payer system, once tantalizingly close, may be lost for years. Under such a system, the government operates one health insurance plan for all residents, covering their medical costs instead of having private insurers do it.“It’s just been a spectacular crash, really,” said State Representative Chris Pearson, a member of Vermont’s Progressive Party. “We’ve gone from this vision of being the first state to achieve universal health care, to limping along and struggling to comply with the Affordable Care Act.”And they won't learn a damn thing from it, either.


A new Pew Research Center poll finds that the percentage of Americans who see immigrants as a “burden” is on the rise, while the percentage who think immigrants strengthen the country is on the decline.


A pastor on the South Side is asking Republicans to talk to his flock after what he says are 50 years of disappointment from the other party.


(Reuters) - Baltimore's top prosecutor plans to seek a protective order that would block the release of Freddie Gray's autopsy report and other documents as she prosecutes police over his arrest, the Baltimore Sun reported on Thursday. State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby told the newspaper that prosecutors "have a duty to ensure a fair and impartial process for all parties involved" and "will not be baited into litigating this case through the media." Gray, a 25-year-old black man, died on April 19 from a spinal injury suffered in police custody. Mosby has charged six officers with violations ranging from misconduct in office to, in one case, second-degree murder.


NEW YORK (AP) — An appeals court in New York on Wednesday announced its decision granting a law license to an immigrant who was brought to the United States illegally when he was a child.


A majority of Americans think trade restrictions are necessary to protect American jobs and oppose giving President Barack Obama fast-track authority to negotiate trade deals that Congress can approve or reject but not amend. Establishment Republicans and Democrats are feverishly


While water pollution associated with hydraulic fracturing operations has occurred, the revolutionary oil extraction technique has not led to widespread, systematic pollution of drinking water, according to a long-awaited study from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA has worked on the study for nearly five years now. Now with some assurance, the EPA has ...


The directive stemmed from two secret memos from Justice Department lawyers in 2012, The New York Times reports.