In an apparent violation of party rules requiring Democratic National Committee officers to remain neutral in presidential primaries, the DNC’s finance chairman has been raising money for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Henry R. Muñoz III, a former fundraiser for President Barack Obama who became DNC finance chairman in 2013, is helping...
Caitlyn Jenner excitedly wrote on Twitter “What the hell am I going to wear?” when it was announced that the reality star was to be honored at next month’s ESPY’s with the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage.
Battles for the Republican presidential nomination almost always come down to two alternatives — an establishment-backed candidate with pragmatic instincts and an insurgent (often significantly mor...
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When Elton Simpson drove from Phoenix to Garland, Texas, last month to gun down attendees at a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest, he also fired off a series of tweets.
Administration officials have been so impressed by Nancy Pelosi’s approach to negotiations over giving President Barack Obama “fast-track” trade authority that they’ve started to consider a crazy possibility: She could even vote for it herself. But only if she has to. As the liberal leader of a progressive caucus, the House...
Why your flight attendant is probably a Democrat
'The circuit court denied free speech in favor of government censorship,' said Jeremy Tedesco, senior counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom.
By Donna Owens BALTIMORE (Reuters) - Baltimore police are seeking more federal help in the face of a sharp upturn in murders fueled by drug turf wars, Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said on Wednesday. The deadly surge has come as police tactics have come under criticism following the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died in April from injuries in police custody. Batts said that 27 pharmacies and two methadone clinics had been broken into since rioting, arson and looting erupted on April 27 hours after Gray's funeral.
Our general rule of thumb when it comes to legislation is that the more high-sounding the name, the more insidious the law. Exhibit A: the just-passed USA FREEDOM Act.
JNS.org –  Upon hosting Canadian Foreign Minister Robert Nicholson in Jerusalem on Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israelis believe the Jewish state has “no better friend than Canada.” Netanyahu cited recent instances of “international hypocrisy,” including the passage of a motion to boycott Israel by the United Kingdom’s National Union of Students “less than a year after they refused to support a boycott of ISIS (Islamic State)” as well as seeing “Turkey and Iran vote to give Hamas […]
In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Walt Heyer warned viewers that the relief accompanying gender reassignment surgery doesn’t last. After Jenner expressed exhilaration over the Vanity Fair cover, Heyer responded that such elation is normal, but transient.
Many employees were kept around to train their replacements, although the visas are meant for when American workers with those skills cannot be found.
Hillary Clinton plans to use a voting rights speech Thursday in Texas to call for an early voting period of at least 20 days in every state.
“The worst thing about Rand Paul, what makes him despicable..."
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has confirmed to Congress that illegal immigrants granted amnesty under President Obama’s new programs could claim back-refunds even when they never filed returns to pay their taxes in the first place.
Obama's job approval numbers are sinking as American attitudes about the nation's progress have taken a turn for the worse, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.
President Obama considers himself “the closet thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office.”
Patients and politicos are anxiously awaiting the Supreme Court's imminent decision about Obamacare in the case of King v. Burwell. The high court is expected to decide if taxpayer funding can be used
Ann Coulter's new book "Adios, America" has created significant buzz over Coulter's political correctness-free belief that mass immigration legal and illegal from Third World nations represents a conscious plot by the left to fundamentally transform the country. An overlooked element of Coulter's book however is her argument that...
Residents in the Brooklyn neighborhood that suffered the highest number of May shootings demanded more cops from Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday — as NYPD sources said the force was under new order...
A look at the decay and corruption of American urban centers under Democrat “leadership.”
George W. Bush, once the most unpopular living president in history, is now more popular than President Barack Obama, who was once the most-liked leader of the free world. A new CNN/ORC poll reveals that 52 percent of Americans see Mr. Bush positively, while 43 percent do not. In contrast, 49 percent view Mr. Obama favorably, while 49 percent do not.
Many Americans believe that someone, somewhere in Washington, must be in charge of tracking who is and who isn’t a citizen of the United States. Apparently, so does the U.S. Supreme Court, which just accepted a voting rights case that turns on the government’s ability to count the number of citizens in each voting district. But despite...