A media analyst agrees with a Republican member of the FCC who recently said he could see a day when the federal government comes after conservative websites like the Drudge Report.
To gain, maintain, and consolidate power, the Left lies. There’s nothing the Left won’t lie about to gain control of people’s lives and subvert liberty.
Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul lambasted Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton Sunday, saying she made Libya a “jihadist wonderland” as secretary of state. “Hillary Clinton’s wa...
In the run-up to a presidential election year, the talk is all about turning out the base. Candidates who don't spend their early campaign efforts courting their base voters will have a hard time just getting past the primaries. So for much of the election cycle, the discussion is taking?
He argued that the mistakes were in the decisions made after the invasion.
A Colorado barbecue joint that drew national attention for its plans to host a "White Appreciation Day" was evacuated Friday after a bomb threat.Ru...
China’s Defense Ministry said on May 11 that China has invited Russian troops to march in a parade in September commemorating the end of World War II.
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has launched #DomainGate on Twitter, where she is buying up celebrity domains to push her campaign message. She recently redirected HillaryClinton.net to her own campaign website.
It’s been four years since a group of US Navy Seals assassinated Osama bin Laden in a night raid on a high-walled compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The killing was the high point of Obama’s first term, and a major factor in his re-election. The White House still maintains that the . . .
There's nothing like the wife of the most powerful man in the world whining that someone made fun of her in the media. Most commencement speakers try to inspire students with hope for the future, b...
The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Guest post by Patch Adams (Above) Democratic National Committee Chair (DNC) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (Image Hayride) The next presidential election may very well determine if the United States survives as the world's protector of individual Liberty or not. Nothing demonstrates it…
ISIS is reportedly using "flirting squads" to single out gay men for trial and execution in the Caliphate. The Islamic State has posted several public executions of gay men online. ISIS released photos and video of Islamists throwing two men…
You're Cuban-American. But not like, CUBAN Cuban, right?
GREENVILLE, South Carolina - Gov. Scott Walker, likely GOP presidential candidate, said that, as Governor of Wisconsin, “We did some pretty big things.”
Every once in a while, some clever charlatan takes Pravda-on-the-Hudson to the cleaners. And what better day for a bit of mischief along these lines than Mother’s Day! This is what Jennifer Grayson — who passes herself off as “environmental journalist” and claims to be writing a book called Unlatched “about the breastfeeding controversy” — did today. Here is how she?
The First Lady delivered a candid remarks on what it's like to grow up in the U.S. as an African American.
Seymour M. Hersh accuses Obama of rushing to take credit for the al Qaeda leader's death.
It's no secret that certain words degrade with time as the objects associated with them lose status. Something my sister said to me made me realize that we're at that point with the phrase "free ma...
TUSKEGEE, Ala. (AP) — Michelle Obama on Saturday invoked the storied history of Tuskegee University as she urged new graduates to soar to their futures, saying the past provides a blueprint for a country still struggling with the "age-old problems" of discrimination and race.
Quick video I put together to provide clear proof Martin Luther King Jr. plagiarized his famous "I Have A Dream" speech. He was an incredible person, but the...
In Lenin's time, a considerable number of young Marxists eagerly awaited a post-revolutionary society where getting sex would be really really easy. Youth’s altered attitude to questions of sex is ...
“Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya, I think, made it less safe,” the 2016 contender said.