Media outlets around the world are catching fire with Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer's blockbuster book Clinton Cash.
BY ANDREA CHALUPA - Xenophobia has been an upward trend in Russia even before recent tensions with the West.
The Satanic Temple is trying to prove that conservatives are hypocrites, and their ploy is working
Based on the short story Harrison Bergeron by celebrated author Kurt Vonnegut, 2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment to the...
President Barack Obama plans to launch a military operation this summer that will see the special forces which killed Osama bin Laden team up with Walmart to take over Texas. The invasion will also target the Mormon stronghold of Utah and an “insurge
Gender-neutral housing and public unisex restrooms will be housing options at the University of Missouri (MU) this fall.
Seventeen people have been arrested in an unplanned protest outside Downing Street following the Conservatives' election victory, the Met police say.
A local Hispanic-owned Denver BBQ restaurant announced this week it planned to hold a "White Appreciation Day." Of course, the left became unglued with the thought of such a racist day of appreciation. The restaurant in Milliken received a bomb…
“A bbq joint in CO offered a white appreciation day and received bomb threats. hahahaha”
When you are dealing with the mainstream media, it is always difficult to tell if you are dealing with willful ignorance or just plain old ignorance-ignorance.
Positioning himself as "spokesman" of the progressive movement
No-Vote Unionization. Given their very public (and political) push for the hallucinogenically-devised scheme known as "card check," if unions had their way, employees' right to vote in secret-ballo...
An interview with Walt Heyer, who lived eight years as a woman following ‘gender reassignment’ surgery before undergoing therapy, tur...
What do we mean when we speak about tolerance? The traditional meaning vs the modern meaning.
Just as Martin O'Malley, Baltimore’s Democrat ex-mayor, prepares to announce a run for the White house, he faces devastating and detailed criticism for his role in creating the mess in Baltimore from a noted expert on the city: David Simon, reporter, author, and creator of the seminal HBO crime drama The Wire.
Though you wouldn't know it from her remarks earlier this week, Hillary Clinton was once
Critics say a newly-hired Boston University professor has crossed the line with recent tweets bashing whites, while her university says it’s simply free speech.
For random kindness-bashing, Sally Kohn gets three worms for baiting. Al Sharpton would be proud. There's no winning with the permanently offended crowd.
President Obama has steadfastly refused to accept the notion he’s a lame duck — despite last year’s repudiation at the polls, which gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress. Well, part o...
Shake it off? Or shake down?
Obama was re-launching his My Brother’s Keeper initiative on Monday because I guess the initial launch was a failure. Ironically, while talking about his racist sexist program that excludes white k...
Sessions argued that Americans have been harmed by recent trade agreements, saying that the percentage of Americans with a job are at its lowest points since the 1970s, wages have declined since 2000 and family income has declined $3,000 since 2009.