There’s already plenty of bad punditry regarding the chances of Hillary Clinton -- who officially announced her candidacy on Sunday -- to become the 45th president. You can find Democrats boasting ...
Dahbi, however, told the judge that the women were...
Kathleen Wynne's radical sex-ed curriculum has concerned parents protesting. Yet according to Kathleen Wynne, these parents are 'homophobic'. That's right. A...
Ferguson, Missouri held its first city election last week since the death of Michael Brown and the ensuing riots. Hands up! Despite all of the media attention and international press, only 19% of eligible voters from Brown's district turned out…
A Wednesday "Good Morning America" piece gave President Barack Obama an open mic to claim that, in ABC's words, "climate change became a personal issue for him when his older daughter Malia, now 16, was rushed to the emergency room with an asthma attack when she was just a toddler." Somehow, ABC managed to avoid another possible contributor — besides the obvious possibility that Malia developed asthma independent of external influences — namely the President's 30-year smoking habit. He is said to have quit once and for all in 2011. USA Today columnist James S. Robbins wasn't impressed with the President's "reasoning," and with good cause, as he articulated in a Thursday evening column. He even managed to get a "there's been no warming for a long time" observation past USA Today's editors (links are in original; bolds are mine):
Feminist academic Christina Hoff Sommers is attracting attention for speaking out against untruths in the gender equality debate, writes Peter Lloyd
2012: To achieve his goals, "Obama must declare war on the Republican Party."
Daily Mail Online spoke to ten students at the rural community Iowa college where Hillary Clinton will be Tuesday. One said 'I hope people don't vote for her just because she's a woman.'
The federal government’s chief deportation agency has seen its success plummet under President Obama, and its chief, Sarah R. Saldana, will tell Congress on Tuesday that they’ve had trouble adapting to the changing face of illegal immigration and a lack of cooperation from both American cities and from foreign countries.
The box office hit American Sniper was a rare movie. One we don't see too often nowadays. It showed America's heroes in a very real and very proud way. With no ...
Sen. Orrin Hatch and Rep. Paul Ryan want businesses to weigh in on tax reform.
"Ambitious" is an understatement, and the public is wary.
Even Alexander Hamilton, who proposed a monarchy, would be shocked by how much power is concentrated in today’s executive branch, argues Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT). Unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats now make laws that are even too complex for Members of
America needs bigger people, which means smaller government; more honesty, which means less political rhetoric; more property, which requires less collectivism; and more liberty, which demands less compulsion, not better-hidden compulsion. A greater burden of law and bigger political initiatives means more of us will be redefined as criminals and losers, and we can't afford that.
Howard Dean declared that Hillary Clinton is "the only person running with any modicum of foreign policy experience"
In many ways, women already are ahead, but feminists won’t acknowledge that, says Diana Furchtgott-Roth.
Watch more www.LouderWithCrowder.com! This week, Hillary Clinton announced her bid for presidency. In this video, her campaign manager explains the strategy....
The Islamic State has called on supporters to carry out another 9/11. With the arrest of several IS suspects over the past two weeks, the threat shouldn't be taken lightly. So why's the White House downplaying it?
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's campaign, which officially kicks off Monday, has so far attracted paltry support from Republican voters, according to polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, as well as national...
Republican Presidential hopefuls gathered in Nashville, Tennessee to address an enthusiastic audience at the NRA 2015 Annual Meeting. PJTV's Amber Smith was ...
We don't need any more "experiments."