There is little doubt that Rand Paul has the greatest crossover potential with disenchanted voters and progressives who prioritize civil liberties.
What's so disturbing is that Cooper really believes this, and people who don't know any better believe it because she said so. #soulsmatter you know.
"Obama might have closed the book on any chance for closer U.S.-Egypt ties..."
At long last, the FCC has released its 400-page tome of net neutrality regulations. One sentence alone reveals in a nutshell what's to come.
Another personnel dustup in Jeb Bush's emerging campaign team illustrates the fight for dominance in the Republican foreign policy establishment between the neoconservatives and the more constrained, pragmatic wing.
ABC News's Dr. Richard Besser sat down with the president and asked about gun control.
A day into his just-launched presidential campaign, Rand Paul tussled with "Today'"show anchor Savannah Guthrie over what he said was biased questioning.
"We all know that Obama's a narcissist, but this is..."
Reprinted from the Press and Journal: Not long ago, I noted in the Press and Journal that the cultural clash over same-sex marriage was won. The side in favor gay nuptials was victorious. Cultural ...
Sorry... but it's your fault you're offended all the time.
Security chiefs past and present, the PM and foreign and Defence secretaries from both main parties - have denounced Snowden for wreaking havoc with the cause of public safety.
Nearly one in ten people in the U.S. are angry and armed – and 1.5% of them are carrying their guns in public. They appear a little more likely to have some kind of mental illness or personality disorder, but that’s not what makes them a risk to the public. Instead, [...]
The former top diplomats said that the framework agreement with Iran effectively concedes any option of using military force to compel Iranian compliance.
When trying to explain the current unrest in the Middle East, from Iraq to Syria to Yemen, American officials often resort to platitudes about Sunni and Shia Muslims fighting each other for “centuries” due to “ancient hatreds.” Not only is this claim historically inaccurate, but it also ignores the unintended consequences that...
The time is now, Nevada! Contact Assemblyman Lynn Stewart and ask him to support AJR7.
New evidence erupted last night that Bowe Bergdahl planned his desertion ahead of time, but the Obama administration just can't comment because of the "investigation." Watch below: Notice how they ...
You won't get any apologies out of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.
At least not when it comes to Mitt Romneyâand the unsubstantiated rumors Reid spread during the 2012 presidential election about Romney not paying taxes.
Reid (D-Nevada) spoke with Fusion's Jorge Ramos on Monday about the comments, which have come under renewed scrutiny after an interview with CNN last week.
"I have no repentance, because it was an issue that was important," Reid said.
Brit Hume discusses the Rolling Stone controversy on 'The Kelly File'
Dick Cheney said that President Obama's negotiations with Iran would be a "terrible burden" from "the worst president we've ever had"
After more than six years of having to monitor Jon Stewart (man alive, I can’t wait for this guy to go away), I am gobsmacked to discover that America’s Speech Sheriff has decided to go out defending something he has
Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) said that the White House has "taken the position" that "Congress shouldn't be weighing in" on an Iran deal
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) shot back at his "juvenile" critics who he said were members of the "neocon community"
FARS agency quotes Zarif, Salehi telling MPs they’ll inject gas into IR-8 centrifuges, a breach of US-published framework terms that would make a mockery of deal
Billionaire Tom Steyer served notice on Monday that he will use his wealth to try to bring climate change into the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.
#TheRefinery crew play the inaugural round of "Salon Or Parody?" in which we try to guess if a tweet is from the "real" site Salon.com, or from a parody acco...