
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO and potential Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is blaming California’s water crisis on “liberal environmentalists” who are “willing to sacrifice other people’s lives and livelihoods at the altar of their ideology.”


A South Carolina officer has been charged with murder after a video surfaced that appears to show him shooting an unarmed man who was running away.


Teachers are afraid of tackling difficult questions in front of pupils.


A Harvard professor who taught U.S. President...


The GOP candidate officially starts his campaign to win his party's nomination for president.


The North Charleston officer had said that the man took his stun gun, but a video shows the officer firing eight times as the man, who was apparently unarmed, fled.


The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.


U.S. intelligence agencies are investigating the breach, which they consider among the most sophisticated attacks ever against U.S. government systems.


Someday, a Christian shopkeeper who faces the 4chan or Reddit Rage Machine will be killed by some flavor of crazy. And the Left won't punish them.


The older brother of actress Mindy Kaling has revealed after struggling to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor, he was finally accepted into medical school after he lied about his race to appear black during the admissions process.


Speaking Sunday, Pope Francis hailed the pending nuclear deal with Iran as 'a definitive step toward a more secure and fraternal world.'


The big brother of Fox sitcom star Mindy Kaling reveals that he got into medical school by pretending to be African-American. Fifteen years ago, Vijay Chokal-Ingam shaved off his straight black hai...


At least three terror groups plotting attacks against Britain have changed their communication methods since the leaks by Edward Snowden, it was claimed last night.


With an event on Tuesday in Louisville, Rand Paul kicks off an April shower of announcements from White House hopefuls.


Rand Paulâs Presidential campaign is still in its infancy and already its
bombs away at liberal/progressive news outlets. Hyperbole, name-calling,
and outright mischaracterization run rampant and demonstrate that these
news sources, and the progressive faithful in general, are terrified of a
candidate whose record on drugs, drones and Middle Eastern meddling are
more liberal and humane than the Democratic Partyâs likely 2016


After the 9/11 attacks, Congress passed the REAL ID Act to prevent foreign nationals from fraudulently obtaining a U.S. driver's license -- by requiring any ID issued based on unverifiable foreign documents look different in design or color from an official driver's license. But more than a decade later, several state and local governments are openly flouting the law, issuing ID cards that are barely distinguishable from a bona fide driver's license.


Defendant: 'Understand that society today doesn't favor young men, and you need to, as a young man, protect yourself.'


The verdictâs in on Rolling Stone. According to no less an authority than the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, the magazineâs story last year on a University of Virginia gang rape...


All laws are backed by government force, Sally Kohn. That's why we have phrases like "police force," "force of law," and "law enforcement."


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she backs President Obama's diplomacy with Iran as the best deal that's going to get done; she believes the Iranians are


Humans are extremely adaptable creatures; so we tend to quickly acclimate ourselves to our circumstances until they become the "new normal." However, sometimes when you have a hole in the bottom of your boat, it's a better idea to try to address it than to just keep bailing water all day long. For example, here in America we seem to believe that...


Given that we have two presidential candidates who have officially announced, I decided to see how their announcement speeches were different and created a word cloud for both. The first one is for...


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