"Romney didn't win, did he?"
"your petty jealousy of a leader who fights hard, who fights to the death for his people, is jeopardizing a long-standing relationship between Israel and the...
Personally, I still don't think ISIS is enough of a threat to warrant any  military response but nonetheless there are many who take the opposing view. However, one thing is for sure. Obama's current war on ISIS is illegal.
Sorry to Disappoint the Social-Justice Warriors, but the Faithful Won't Yield on Religious Liberty -

Mississippi call to action!

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Time is running out in Mississippi! Here's how you can help.

Not So Fast on ‘Yes Means Yes’

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Now we’re getting legislation to enforce that yes means yes on campuses. OK, but let’s understand that it comes at a price to autonomy.
Who's the real fool this April 1st?
We have great news from Missouri!
In Indiana, in Arkansas, and in the boardroom
Ed Schultz is really trolling for views among the degenerate anti-Christian liberal left by insulting conservatives' religion on his latest show tonight. Watch below: This is how low the Left has t...
The Russian moves have set off debate over military spending and highlighted how quickly President Vladimir V. Putin has shredded the certainties of the post-Cold War era.
Ever notice how liberals freak out about what might happen as a result of things like religious freedom laws, when the opposite is actually happening?
In case you missed it... Sen. Harry Reid (R-NV), who announced last week that he will retire after his current term expires in early 2017, said he does not regret taking to the Senate floor in 2012 to accuse then-GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney of not paying his... #cnn #danabash #mittromney
THIS is how much liberals hate most Americans. On Tuesday a gay high school coach in Elkhart, Indiana jumped to Twitter to say that she wanted to burn down a Christian-owned pizza shop over the state's Restoration of Religious Freedom Act. Head Coach Jess...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES To recap: Tim Cook (please, please click this link) and the left are happy to do business in countries that stone to death or otherwise jail gay people, but will not do business with Indiana, which merely passed a law insisting that the “free exercise” clause of the first amendment be on the same legal footing in courts as | Read More »
According to a WalletHub report, residents in red states are more likely to receive help from the federal government.
On one side is the CEO of the world's largest company, the president of the United States and a growing chunk of the Fortune 500. On the other side is a solo wedding photographer in New Mexico, a 70-year-old grandma florist in Washington and a few bakers. One side wants the state to conscript the religious businesswomen and men into participating in ceremonies that violate their beliefs. The other side wants to make it possible for religious people to live their own lives according to their consciences. Yet somehow, the Left and most of the mainstream press paint the current skirmishes over religious liberty as conservative offensives. When Indiana decided to follow the Clinton administration and 19 states in passing a version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the Left let loose a cacophonous chorus of cries about a dangerous flood of homophobia spreading out from the Hoosier state.
Republican lawmakers are yet again quietly pushing another Obama-backed scheme that would more directly force every American to have a national ID card containing sensitive biometric data. By Alex Newman
This short story about an election for class president contains one of the best explanations I have ever seen about how Obama won two elections.
"Today, I direct all agencies, departments, boards and commissions to immediately review all requests for state funded or state sponsored travel to the State of Indiana..."
Trevor Noah, the Jew-bashing South African comic picked by Comedy Central to replace Jon Stewart as host of the leftist Daily Show, trashed Americans as stupid at an appearance in London three weeks ago, saying “most of them don’t know…
The Justice Department will not seek criminal contempt charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner, the central figure in a scandal that erupted over whether the tax agency improperly targeted conservative political groups. Ronald Machen, the former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, told House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a seven-page...
The Obama administration informed House Speaker John A. Boehner this week it will not prosecute former IRS executive Lois G. Lerner for contempt of Congress, concluding that she did not waive her Fifth Amendment rights to avoid answering questions when she was called to testify nearly two years ago.