
On a freezing morning in January 1953, Robert Kesselman, a Jewish doctor living in Sumy, a hardened provincial city in eastern Ukraine, picked up a copy of Pravda, the official Communist newspaper. The front page of Joseph Stalin’s mouthpiece was splashed with the lurid headline “The Murderers i...


An 18-month-old racist has been CAUGHT white-handed by a Democratic Representative in Indiana!! Watch below: More from the Daily Caller: An Indiana Democratic state representative made a shocking c...


The Labour leader said the classic British films should 'move with the times' and said the former Bond girl would be a good replacement for Daniel Craig.


A bold speech by Matt Erickson at the Minnesota GOP 2nd Congressional Convention. After many years of Congressman John Kline (MN CD 2) voting against the Con...


As Hillary Clinton prepares to launch her presidential campaign, a Quinnipiac Poll released Tuesday morning shows that nearly half of voters in key states dont view her as honest and trustworthy.


Obama's Iran deal makes Israel into a ghetto. A well-armed, prosperous ghetto, but a ghetto just the same. It will be a crime against humanity.


It's official! No, I'm not going to talk about how we officially have a
Final Four lineup or even that Harry Reid is officially off the ticket for
re-election (that "exercise injury" has been looking bad for months now).
No, this is something much worse than Chuck Schumer as the next Minority
Leader but could all the same could result in thousands of people losing
their jobs. I'm talking about the announcement, coming on Tuesday, that the
Obama Administration intends to offer a 28% emissions cut to the Gods of
Global Warming.


As a state senator, he apparently saw no controversy in protecting religious freedom.


Incensed that Republicans want to abolish Obamacare and that the “billionaire class wants more and more for themselves and less for working families,” socialist U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont barnstormed the Bay Area with a spate of speeches and interviews signaling a possible 2016 presidential run.


Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) says Hillary Clinton "must" testify before the special select committee examining the tragedy in Benghazi. Duckworth added she would hold former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton "accountable" for erasing emails from her personal server.


GOP could call agency "something other than the IRS if that made you feel better," he said.


The news agency Agence France-Presse reports from Lausanne, Switzerland that Iran and the P5+1 powers (the five UN Security Council permanent members, plus Germany) have reached "provisional agreement" on the terms of nuclear deal.


By now it's clear that the brutal gang rape reported last November in Rolling Stone did not occur. I write that, knowing full well the backlash I could receive from not adding the caveat that something could still have happened to Jackie, the accuser in the story.
Activists have clung to the idea that something probably did happen to make a young woman tell a tale of a brutal gang rape and become a campus activist to keep the hoax claims isolated to a small subset. These same activists bent over backwards following the Charlottesville Police press conference last week to claim that Jackie probably wasn't lying, because such a false accusation flies in the face of statistics, as one CNN panelist said. Of course, the statistic that only 2 percent of reported rapes are false â doubtful anyway â only applies to rapes actually reported to police, which this one was not.


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES By now, most of you have heard of the recent case in Colorado where an expecting mother answered a Craigslist ad for baby clothes, was attacked, and had the child cut from her womb, with the child dying in the process. As my colleague streiff noted yesterday, prosecutor Stanley Garnett has declined to charge Dynal Lane, the suspected attacker, | Read More »


The ADL offers "tragic reminders that lethal anti-Semitism continues to pose a threat to American Jews and larger society as well.”


In the wake of the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the media have been stacking myth upon myth.


Ann Coulter said it is "a real failing of the Republican National Committee" that liberal moderators are allowed to host GOP primary debates


Reporters often encounter closed doors when seeking data and interviews from the administration.


Basij commander Mohammad Reza Naqdi also threatens Saudis, saying their fate will be like that of Saddam Hussein


My generation willfully ignores the real debate about gay rights and religious freedom because we want halos without sacrifice.


In what has been called the "Catholic moment" in America, in the late 1940s and 1950s, Catholics were admonished from pulpits to "live the faith" and "set an example" for others.


Opponents of the Act celebrated the "end" of Cruz's presidential aspirations.


Olbermann to NCAA, NFL: Leave Indiana Over 'Religious Freedom' Law


Key Findings This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on April 24, or 114 days into the year. Americans will pay $3.3 trillion in federal taxes and $1.5 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total bill of more than $4.8 trillion, or 31 percent of the nation’s income. Tax Freedom Day is one day later than last year due mainly to the country’s continued steady economic growth, which is expected to boost tax revenue especially from the corporate, payroll, and individual income tax.