#TheRefinery crew talk about the latest new regulations out of the perpetual Nanny State of New York City- limiting kids at daycare to only 4 ounces of 100% ...
Letting it get the bomb would be the most catastrophic decision in the history of humanity.
The anti-RFRA backlash is a perfect storm of hysteria and legal ignorance.
Professor Andrew Pessin is now on leave from Connecticut College
In a wide-ranging exclusive interview with TODAY's Savannah Guthrie, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter says he's "confident" the United...
Apple CEO Tim Cook attacked Indiana this weekend for passing a religious freedom bill. Cook said, "There's something very dangerous happening in states across the country." Cook may believe Indiana's new law is very dangerous towards gays... But it's not…
The new state law has been publicly sold with the claim that it is “nothing new,” but shows every sign of having been carefully designed to put new obstacles in the path of equality.

Check Your Privilege, Liberal Women

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

There is an old saying that dates back to Socrates, I think, and it goes something like this: you know you've won the argument the moment your opponents start flashing their genitals at you. Actually, maybe it was Lincoln who said that. Anyway, it's a rather urgent bit of...
He’s the Taliban, Sarah Palin, and Father Coughlin all rolled into one.
Love him or hate him, he is putting his agenda before political calculation. We need more of that.
The surprising remarks were reported by Atlantic journalist Jeffrey Goldberg in a recent article about the future of European Jewry.
Trevor Noah, the 31 year-old South African comedian hand-picked by Jon Stewart and Comedy Central to replace Stewart, has a major Twitter problem on his hands. Being shot to superstardom often results in an instantaneous social media vetting, something Noah,
A House panel Tuesday formally requested Hillary Clinton to testify about the private server and email account she used while serving as secretary of state. Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi, sent a request to Clinton's personal attorney, David E. Kendall, requesting that Clinton appear before the committee no later than May 1 for a transcribed interview about the server and email. RELATED: The long, complicated story of Hillary Clinton's Benghazi subpoena The request comes after Kendall told Gowdy that the server had been wiped clean and that it would be impossible to recover the 30,000 emails Clinton deleted last year. Gowdy, in his request to Kendall, also asked Clinton to reconsider her refusal to turn over the server to a neutral third party, which he called highly unusual, if not unprecedented.
BY WASHINGTON EXAMINERFrom the furor, the boycotts, and the threats launched at the state of Indiana last week, one might get the impression that Gov. Mike Pence, R, had just
The scale of Sen. Harry Reid’s injuries—a damaged, perhaps destroyed, right eye, a broken bone above the left eye, a battered right jaw sporting a large black and blue and purple bruise, and several broken ribs—were far beyond the scale of any injuries that could arise from merely having the end of a resistance band snap back.
As House Republican leaders weigh whether to try to force former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to hand over her personal email server, experts say the messages she deleted from it — or at least portions of them — can almost certainly be recovered. Half a dozen computer forensics experts interviewed by POLITICO said remnants of Clinton’s...
Harry Reid Justifies Lying About Romney from Senate Floor: 'He Didn't Win, Did He?' (March 31, 2015)
And then there were two
Culture War 4.0 is what happens when tolerance is no longer a virtue and the power of government must be used to stamp out dissent.
Clients will be welcomed with hot tea and comfy robes in the clinic, which features wood floors, plush upholstery and natural wood tones
Progressivism -
Lo and behold, there are Latinos who support Senator Ted Cruz's candidacy for President of the United States. That was the discovery Univision made while covering the Texas Senator's presidential campaign announcement at Liberty University.
Why people turned on Trevor Noah so quickly.
While reporting on Monday’s NBC Nightly News with the latest from the Iranian side of the international talks in Switzerland over their nuclear program, Ann Curry smeared U.S. conservatives by likening them to radical hardliners in Iran’s Islamic regime: “As in the U.S., Iran has conservatives who don't trust the other side and they are ready to pounce if they believe negotiators give up too much.”