Ann Coulter declared that she hates all of the 2016 GOP field except for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R)
On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won re-election according to the latest vote counts.
Jodi Rudoren, the Jerusalem bureau chief for the New York Times, is often criticized as anti-Israel and hostile in particular to conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In the wake of a tighter-than-expected reelection campaign and Netanyahu's controversial speech to Congress, in which he warned of the dangers of a nuclear Iran, the Times truly "doubled down" on its hostility, accusing the PM of being panicky, power-hungry, and appealing to racism.
Bill Maher, host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, held a discussion on Friday’s show about Republicans “trying to interfere” with Obama’s negotiations with Iran via an open letter.  Of course, Maher didn’t mention that there are 12 Democrats supporting a tough stance on Iran in addition to the 47 Republican senators that signed the letter. Maher’s panelists were Arianna Huffington, Tom Rogan of National Review, and former CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson. But the toast of the studio was leftist actor Sean Penn, who Maher showered with praise for his international charity work. As always, Penn had some rather incendiary comments to say on matters that pertain to countries run by dictatorship or communist rule, charging those 47 Republicans who signed the letter of “criminal mutiny.”
How Much Does Netanyahu's Big Win Really Matter? -
The Supreme Court is about to decide if the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution requires the states to redefine marriage to include same sex relationships. There are several reasons why the answer is no.
Why Was CIA Director Petraeus Required to Sign Separation Form If Secretary Clinton Was Not? -
The inevitability of another President Clinton or President Bush is in grave doubt – and for very different reasons.
A friend of the court brief supporting Taya Kyle, the widow of Chris Kyle, the American Sniper, was filed yesterday afternoon by TMLC.
While the Left hypocritically questions the senator’s patriotism, no one is disputing his letter’s actual content.

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Sheryl Sandberg says applying feminism to chores will lead to more sex. The study she cites actually says traditional gender roles lead to more sex.
Illinois Republican Rep.
The “RaceTogether” campaign raises some eyebrows.
When in doubt, blame Bush. President Obama points the finger at former President George W. Bush for the rapid rise of Islamic State terrorists, and says the terrorist group is a consequence of the Iraq war.
In effort to prove once and for all that owning guns puts Americans in danger, States United to Prevent Gun Violence set up a fake gun store and shamed first-time gun buyers into foregoing their purchase.
At the time in his tenure when most presidents fret over their waning clout, Barack Obama is redefining the concept of the lame duck.
Liberal arrogance about global warming led the Style section of The Washington Post on Tuesday. “Climate deniers” were singled out with the headline “BLOWING SMOKE, WITH A SMILE: Corporate baloney peddlers, especially ones who deny climate change, are the target of Robert Kenner’s latest documentary.” The online headline said it “shines light on climate-change deniers.” Post film critic Michael O’Sullivan wrote a badly disguised editorial applauding Kenner’s thesis that denying global warming is just like denying cigarettes are bad for you. And more: he compares “deniers” to Bull Connor and his segregationist thugs.
Appearing on CNN’s The Lead on Tuesday afternoon, chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour slammed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his Likud Party and “right-wing” allies for having “a sort-of racist police towards” Arabs that has been “very scary for them” as the world awaited results from the national elections in Israel.
Grassroots anger against the Common Core education standards has spilled into the emerging 2016 presidential campaign. Much is at stake as potential candidat...
A rape survivor made a compelling case in favor of reforming Maryland’s “may issue” concealed carry laws during a Senate committee hearing last week, explaining to lawmakers why women need to be able to defend themselves. “I need you to know this is so incredibly difficult...