Republican Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Marco Rubio of Florida have released a blueprint for federal tax reform called “The Economic Growth and Family Fairness Tax Plan.” First, we should not embrace the language of progressive socialism in believing tax reform should have as a goal to advance “family fairness.” The plan should simply be entitled “The American Growth and Opportunity Plan.” That said, the Lee-Rubio plan is a great improvement over the current system.
Because it's not conservative enough
I've updated my list of Obamacare criticisms. The complete list can be found at These are the new entries: 307) Obamacare, when combined with Obama's executive amnesty, gives employers a $3,000 ann...
A public square in the Palestinian capital of Ramallah has been rededicated in honor of Dalal Mughrabi, who allegedly led a bus hijacking in 1978 on Israel’s Coastal Highway that killed 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, and wounded over 70 more, reported the Palestinian Media Watch.
Federal immigration officers released another 30,000 immigrants with criminal records last year, following the 36,000 it released in 2013, the government announced Wednesday — though it promised to take steps to cut down on the problem.
President Barack Obama traced the origins of Islamic State militants back to the presidency of George W. Bush and the invasion of Iraq back in 2003, arguing that its growth was an “unintended consequence” of the war.
The top special operations aide to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the "banner of Islam will fly over the White House." The Washington Times reported: A top special operations aide to Iran’s leader says his troops are in…
Why has Barack Obama been reluctant to congratulate Bibi Netanyahu for his surprise and smashing electoral victory in this week's Israeli elections, aside from the obvious childish personal enmity?It couldn't be more obvious. Obama - never a gracious man - is seeing the bad handwriting on the wall.  Israel, like America, has a 'silent majority' and they have stood up tall in opposition to  so-called liberalism/progressivism and defeatism against Islamic terror.
In their fight against ISIS, the Kurdish army known as Peshmerga has a secret weapon – a second-generation gunsmith so skilled he can practically turn a bucket of rusty bolts into a killing machine for the rugged, but cash-strapped fighting force.
WaPo's Eugene Robinson: I Wish the Republican Party Could Not Be Racist
On Tuesday, before the final results of the Israeli election were tabulated, the New York Times, in utter disbelief that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might survive the manifold efforts by the Obama Administration and the leftist media to destroy him, released a piece that savaged the Israeli prime minster, with numerous figures whining about the tactics Netanyahu used to retain his post.
MSNBC hosts and guests reacted with fury over Benjamin Netanyahu's victory on Tuesday night, describing it as "polarizing," a modern "southern strategy" and an appeal to "racism." Appearing on NewsNation, Wednesday, with Tamron Hall, London Professor Fawaz Gerges decried the Israeli Prime Minister's "use of fear, the use of xenophobia and racism against a significant segment of Israeli citizens, warning Jewish voters that Arabs were flooding the polls." 
A republic dies not instantly, or by brute force, but through physical and moral exhaustion, and in slow, methodical steps. Just consider the Roman Republic.
ESPN's Stephen A. Smith: For One Election, Every Black Person Should Vote Republican
Obama has been more polite to dictators than to the leader of the only Jewish State.
Yesterday Ferguson police shooter Jeffrey Williams' attorney, Jerryl Christmas, made the claim that his client was beaten by Saint Louis Police during his arrest. Attorney Christmas, and Ferguson p...
Long before Michelle Obama became First Lady, her mother had misgivings about her marrying a young man named Barack Obama.
For Scott Walker, the pattern is clear: The man who stood up to his state's most powerful special interest groups is also the man who, when summoned to a cronyfest in Iowa, rolled over on ethanol and then tried to weasel his way out of a flip-flop. The man who proudly ran as a conservative and won three statewide elections in four years against floods of out-of-state money and a storm of media antagonism is the man who fired a campaign aide last night because she once criticized Iowa for its dependence on federal subsidies. The pattern is this: Scott Walker will stand up and fight the special interests, if they're already his sworn political enemies. But when he gets pushed around by a political power broker, or a well-heeled lobby group that's on our side, Walker rolls over. Many conservatives first sensed this pattern in January when Walker, a former staunch opponent of ethanol mandates, travelled to the Iowa Ag Forum and said he wanted to keep the ethanol mandate until the alcohol-based fuel was on a more equal footing with gasoline. (Read: forever.)
"The funniest lines are those that steer very close to the truth."
The IRS is unable to answer most taxpayers’ calls this year because it’s had to put money into getting up and running for Obamacare, agency Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday.
'You will burn in a black flame for millions and millions and trillions of years.'
House Republicans on Wednesday accused the Obama administration of pushing to eliminate some of the key reforms Congress has imposed on the IRS, including prohibitions on lavish conferences and a ban on applying extra scrutiny to groups based on their political beliefs. The proposed IRS budget for 2016...
Dear Azealia Banks, I read about your interview with Playboy magazine where you apparently took off your clothes and talked about how much you hate white people. Just another day at the office for you, I suppose. I confess I didn't read the whole exchange, though I'm...
The real estate mogul will travel to New Hampshire on Thursday.
If you are a criminal defendant, it is far better to be a woman than a man. For the same crime, and with a similar criminal history, men in the U.S. are impr...