Sinema is the kind of woman Rachel Maddow should swoon over – yet, she’s being trampled over in hypocritical fashion.
The RCMP's union says that while it still supports a Mountie's right to refuse vaccination, it also wants officers to be aware of the consequences of that choice.
How big is the defection from government schools in the country's largest district? That's for politicians to know, and you to find out.
"The waiting room was so crowded, things were so backed up they couldn't even get her to be seen initially. So, because I knew this person, I called. I called the desk receiving nurse and asked what the situation was."
Failing companies ditch vessels too expensive to repair or too difficult to sell, leaving behind cargo-ship castaways trapped in ports or offshore.
Anyone who argues that Joe Biden has his wits about him seriously needs to sit down and watch this horrifying
A new study in the Lancet finds that vaccine effectiveness against infection drops fast over five months – but protection against serious disease is more robust.
Mollie Hemingway shares what Trump told her during over 5 hours of interviews for her new book on the 2020 election: "Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections."
Sóttvarnalæknir hefur ákveðið að bóluefni Moderna gegn Covid-19 verði ekki notað hér á landi á meðan frekari upplýsinga er aflað um öryggi bóluefnisins við örvunarbólusetningar.
Robert Wright argues that we can’t reform higher education, but that it’s possible to build a competing system of institutions.
Government officials increasingly act as though they’re somehow beyond criticism. But the truth is exactly the opposite – they have a duty to be...
COP26 will be another private-jet convocation where superior people, with no need to worry about furnace fuel, will meet to tell the peasants how they should…
Moderate Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia told Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer that his partisan speech was “f—-ing stupid” after Republicans helped Democrats pass an increase in the nation’s debt limit Thursday night, according to a report.
◀Previous Post Next Post▶ By Eric Ruben, Southern Methodist University The stakes in one of the most significant Second Amendment cases in U.S. history are high. The Supreme Court’s ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, expected by mid-2022, could declare a New York state restriction on carrying concealed handguns in […]
The lost art of reading comprehension
ContentsChina Sends Fighter Jets And Bombers Into Taiwan Airspace Taiwan Responds, U.S. Urges China To Stop  The SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden tagged wrestler and actor John Cena in a tweet about China invading Taiwan. Cena received backlash after he apologized to China for calling Taiwan a country. China Sends Fighter Jets And Bombers Into […]
New York City will phase out its programs for gifted and talented primary grade students in the name of "equality," reports the New York Times.
By: Donald J. Trump I have sent a letter to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration in defense of the Office of the Presidency, the
The city is nixing the test to get into 'gifted' classes and plans to offer an 'accelerated' program to all students, instead, officials said Friday.
A judge ruled that the Kansas City mayor and the city council violated law when attempting to defund the Kansas City Police earlier in 2021.
Timothy George Simpkins, who attends Timberview High School, posted $75,000 bond at Tarrant County Jail on Thursday and headed to home confinement.
Kaylee Greenlee  Tens of thousands of Afghan refugees could be released into the U.S. without a decision about their immigration status, CBS News reported
Thanks to the Chinese Communist Party virus, there’s been a surge in homeschooling in the United States. The ...
Fox News host Laura Ingraham ripped the "mob" mentality of the left after they attacked comedian Dave Chappelle and Democratic Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for spurring the leftist orthodoxy on "The Ingraham Angle."
If there is still one person somewhere in America who doesn’t think President Joe Biden and the toxic progressives who increasingly call the shots for the White House and the Democratic Party ar...