As police across the United States endure major funding cuts to placate the left, the federal government is dedicating tens of millions of dollars to advance nationwide “community policing efforts” that include tolerance, diversity, and anti-bias training as well as crisis intervention teams and de-escalation training. This week the Biden administration announced that it will …
Radical redesigns of the American flag are shown this clip.
Joe Biden's approval rating is not good. Sad! Not good!Here are seventeen things with higher approval ratings than Joe Biden:1. Candy corn - Even these tasteless cones of wax fare better in the polls than Sleepy Joe.2. Prostate exams - Uncomfortable but at least they don't last four years.3. The restrooms at Walmart - Unsanitary but they ...
Hu Xijin, editor in chief of China's Global Times and a 'mouthpiece' of the Chinese Communist Party, expressed the party's outrage on Twitter after ...
Earlier today, during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the Arizona vote outcome, representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ) questioned Maricopa County officials about their deletion of 2020 election data in order to avoid a state senate subpoena for election records. Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers and the boards vice chairman, […]
CNN's Brian Stelter suggested that Dan Rather, who has been a guest on Stelter's show several times, could be to blame for Americans losing trust in the media.
President Biden on Friday is set to restore two national monuments in Utah and a separate marine conservation area in New England after former President Trump stripped all three of environmental protections under his administration.
Billy Bush accused NBC on Thursday of having "sacrificed" him in 2016 when he was fired over the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape of Donald Trump making crude remarks about women.
Nearly 90 minutes late to address the September jobs report, President Biden either doesn't understand the harm that his policies have caused to the American economy or he's hoping you
The government is the mafia. Family members sell products to schools and parents who oppose CRT taught in schools are labeled as domestic terrorists. In wh
separating truth from TV soap opera (especially in the minds of the doctors)
President Joe Biden's poll numbers are tanking, especially among independent voters. The American people do not like weak leaders, and they do not like the craziness that's infiltrating their daily
With limited consumable COVID data in Illinois, it’s hard for parents to know what’s really going on here. The good news is that serious illness or death hasn't increased for Illinois kids. Hospitalizations and deaths have remained within the same range they’ve been in since before Delta.
Florida keeps improving, now ranked 44 for cases.
Germany and other European countries are seeing an increase in inflation.
Several prominent Iowa GOP officials will be attending and speaking at the rally, which will be held on Saturday at the Iowa State Fairgrounds.
By: Caroline Machiraju CAMP HILL, Pa – A Moms for Liberty (M4L) chapter has formed locally, amid overreaching state and local controls being imposed on public school students; and a Capitol r…
Insulate Britain protests disrupt flow of activities in the area.
Kaylee Greenlee  At least 100 people were reportedly killed or injured after an explosion at a Shiite Muslim mosque in Kunduz, Afghanistan, a Taliban
Arrest of Jaleel K. Stallings *St. Paul, Minn. truck driver Jaleel K. Stallings , 29, fired three shots at a white cargo van with darkened windows after people
Andrew Trunsky  The majority of Americans believe U.S. politicians and social media companies spread more misinformation than any foreign government,
When they are mandated to take a vaccine they do not want,  
Andrew Trunsky  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was quick to disparage Republicans over their opposition to lifting the debt ceiling after the
Sebastian Hughes  Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina expressed regret on Fox News’ “Hannity” Thursday night over Republicans allowing a
Republicans caving on the debt ceiling paved the way for Democrats to focus the rest of the fall on their tax-and-spending spree.