An eye-catching billboard featuring a photoshopped image of President Joe Biden dressed as a member of the Taliban recently popped up
Our kids were made to fulfill their potential, not to settle for mediocrity We need to do a better job of helping them get there
Scott Gottlieb, the former FDA commissioner, admitted the six foot social distancing rule was "arbitrary in and of itself."
The Vatican City State announced that as of Oct 1 no one can enter its territory without presenting a Green Pass, by order of Pope Francis.
Hundreds of Caribbean migrants trying to reach the U.S. border walked through an immigration checkpoint operated by Mexican authorities.
New York Times has labeled first lady Jill Biden a "doctor" while not giving ophthalmologist Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) the same courtesy.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed (D) responded to criticisms to her night out partying, violating the city's mask mandate.
SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk took shots at President Joe Biden on Sunday for failing to praise SpaceX for its all-civilian mission to orbit the Earth. When fans pointed out on Twitter that Biden had failed to acknowledge the spaceflight, Musk quipped: "He's still sleeping."
MSNBC "Stephanie Ruhle Reports" host Stephanie Ruhle on Monday wondered where Vice President Kamala Harris has been regarding the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. | Clips
World news: Moron begs moron to help the free world commit economic suicide as Boris flies to Washington DC...
CNN published Chinese state propaganda Monday morning which criticized overriding gun policies in the United States.
Florida Republicans have turned the state red by nearly overcoming Democrat's voter registration advantage Friday.
An Iowa teacher explained how she gets around the state ban on critical race theory.
Late last year, Israeli intelligence agents killed Iran's top nuclear scientist from 1,000 miles away using a high-powered, remote-controlled sniper machine gun, the New York Times reported over the weekend.What are the details?The meticulously planned Nov. 27, 2020, assassination plot of Mohsen Fak...
The Senate passed new political maps Monday, but an ongoing impasse in the House could blow up a highly charged special session.
Some would say that the operation succeeded in throwing Iran’s nuclear program into chaos for some months, but that Tehran has long since recovered.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki was hammered Monday following her decision to invoke President Joe Biden's personal losses and grief while responding to a question on the botched drone strike in Afghanistan.
A former assistant secretary of the Army in the Trump administration says Gen. Mark Milley repeatedly overstepped his authority and undercut potential orders from the former commander-in-chief. The…
It's good to be a member of the new royalty:
With record government spending and inflation, it looks like your money will soon be worth nothing! Too bad! Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to purchase the goods and services you need without using that worthless paper. Here are some ways to do it:Trade your mint condition Pokemon cards and ...
As the Biden administration allows for thousands of illegal immigrants to set up camp in Texas, the White House still shows absolutely no concern for the crisis and has no plan for the people pouring across the southern border.
Like Cousin Eddie once said...
WASHINGTON, D.C. - In an unusual legal twist, defendants charged in the January 6 riots have asked to have their charges reclassified to include child abuse so that the FBI will lose interest and move on to something more important.'We here at the Bureau deeply apologize for arresting all those alleged rioters, who it turns out were only serially ...
The State Department is proposing doubling of the amount of refugees that will be admitted into the US
Despite comments made online by viewers and presenter Seth Rogen, the Emmys broadcast did not violate coronavirus safety protocols, the Los Angeles Department of Health says.