Unnamed 27-year-old New Jersey male was arrested by U.S. Capitol Police for illegally possessing a gun on U.S Capitol grounds.
The reason for this gamble was simple. Trudeau wanted to lock in his approval. But this looks like putting personal fortune over national welfare
ACUNA, Mexico—Some of the thousands of illegal immigrants who have amassed near the Texas border are leaving the ...
Ailan Evans  A cryptocurrency tax reporting requirement tucked inside the $1 trillion infrastructure bill threatens Americans’ financial privacy and
As we watch celebrities, at the Emmys, at the Met Gala, frankly wherever they gather, galavanting maskless while the help hide their faces we cannot help but feel that something's not right.
The Supreme Court announced Monday it will hear arguments in a lawsuit against Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban on Dec. 1.
Implications of Cinderella being a self-made entrepreneur fighting to change her patriarchal society never manifest into reality.
We have seen hypocrisy galore throughout the pandemic as the government has implemented ludicrous and strict lockdown policies. And it always seems to be our friends in the Democratic party who are breaking the lockdown rules that they initiate.
PALM BEACH, FL - Trump has revealed to reporters that Biden's so-called 'victory' in the 2020 election was actually a 4D chess plot by himself to make his own presidency look good. According to Trump, every time there's a major crisis now, people will look back fondly on the years 2016-2020, remembering the last great golden age of ...
Democratic Del Rio Mayor Bruno Lozano has called out President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for failing ...
Kaylee Greenlee U.S. and Mexican officials are collaborating to deter more Haitian migrants from reaching the U.S., and some of the migrants who were
The Supreme Court will hear a highly divisive abortion case beginning December 1, the court announced Monday.
Ah, yes. A left-wing activist.
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Stocks were trading on session lows Monday afternoon as concerns over China’s property bubble roiled global markets ahead of the Federal Reserve’s upcoming policy meeting.
Canadians may not yet know the next Liberal leader, but they’re now six years into a relationship with Trudeau and it’s clear many are packing their bags
Mary Margaret Olohan The Supreme Court will hear a direct challenge to a highly divisive abortion case beginning Dec. 1, the court announced Monday. Dobbs
“Tax the rich” seems to be just a slogan for some.
Boxer Manny Pacquiao announced on September 19 that he will run for president of the Philippines. This was announced by the CNA TV channel.
Consumers in Mendocino, Calif., home to America's most expensive gas station, reacted to the gas price as well as inflation in the U.S.
Since the outset of the COVID-19 lockdowns, Australia has instituted some of the strictest lockdown measures among the western world.
Wenyuan Wu argues that racial preferences have not been beneficial to ‘underrepresented’ groups.
America’s farmers and livestock producers have had enough of left-wing states like California imposing their radically clueless ideas on them and they’re taking their fight to Congress....
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) Greater New York chapter plans to protest Monday evening outside a Manhattan restaurant in support of the women accused of attacking a hostess who demanded they show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott asked President Biden to issue an emergency declaration for his state due to the increasingly difficult border crisis.