Joe Biden’s life is falling apart. He could end up being ripped from the White House at this point. And 130 military officials just turned on Joe Biden in an earth-shattering announcement. Joe Biden failed about as badly as he could in Afghanistan. The fall-out for his failure to execute an orderly withdrawal will be […]
Churchgoers in American are witnessing in real time the execution of the standard playbook of raceobsessed neoMarxists as they wage their war on religion
CBS, ABC, and NBC are responsible for a major dereliction of duty, only covering the war in Afghanistan for a total of fi...
The latest Economist/YouGov poll shows President Joe Biden's approval rating is now underwater, with more American adults disapproving (49%) of how he is handling his job than those who approve (39%).This marks the first time during his tenure as president that Biden's approval rating has been under...
MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace floated a conspiracy that the conservative Supreme Court justices are "colluding" with GOP lawmakers from red states in order to push the pro-life agenda.
Four of the five Taliban members released from Guantanamo Bay by the Obama administration in 2014 in exchange for admitted US Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl are part of the Islamic fundamentalist grou…
An individual was caught on tape throwing an egg at California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder narrowly missing the back of his head before assaulting multiple campaign members. "Breaking: A flying egg narrowly missed the back of recall candidate @larryelder's head after it was thrown by an activist wearing a gorilla mask in Venice. A scuffle..
It may be time for a booster shot sooner than you think as the fight to eradicate COVID-19 continues and the delta variant continues to send people across the country to hospitals.
President Joe Biden's approval ratings hit the lowest since the start of his presidency, dropping to 39%, the results of a Tuesday poll showed.
Thankfully, a pair of statewide ballot initiatives would allow parents to fight back.
Australia’s COVID response is a warning for how easily core freedoms can erode away in even a well-established democracy.
More than 50 Henry Ford Health System employees have sued in federal court, hoping to stop a Sept. 10 coronavirus vaccine mandate.
Eleven Trump appointees to the Military Academy Advisory Boards have been by the Biden administration that they must resign or will be removed, CNN reported on Thursday. Not only have
Commentary All “anti-racism” and “social justice” writings and campaigns are predicated on the claim that certain races and ...
Commentary With our political and military establishment spending twenty years waging war in the mountains of central Asia, ...
A recall election primarily about Gov. Gavin Newsom’s record has now morphed into a more traditional left vs. right battle.
If even the experts can't agree, heaven help a 12 year-old trying to make an 'informed' decision
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler announced on Wednesday that he will not be mandating the city’s police force to get vaccinated.
The State Department on Tuesday expressed concerns over the makeup of the new interim Afghan government announced by the Taliban, including the lack of female leaders and the past actions of some of those
Rep. Jim Jordan touted video footage of a packed stadium for a recent college football game and said “Real America” is done with COVID-19.
NEW ORLEANS--Federal agents are working feverishly to restore power the victims of Hurricane Ida in Louisiana, New Jersey, and New York so they can get back to spying on them. "Without power down there, we can't very well spy on those people, so it's imperative that we fix those power lines as so
Former President Donald Trump ripped removal of a massive statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Va., Wednesday, warning that “our culture is being destroyed and our history an…
Texas is Afghanistan—that’s the latest liberal media narrative after the state recently passed a pro-life bill. It bans most abortions after six weeks. It’s one of the most robust pro-life
On Tuesday, Townhall covered Secretary of State Antony Blinken's insistence that there were no private evacuation flights being blocked by the Taliban. "We have been assured, again, that all American