The CDC tightened its masking guidance after a prominent teachers union threatened to release harsh criticism of the Biden administration's policy.
'[I]t has become clear to me that this institution is no place for people who intend to think freely and explore ideas,' the Portland State professor said.
China eyes US airbase of Bagram in Afghanistan airfield to expand influence
Many conservatives and Christians think that individuals bear responsibility for helping the poor in their communities. How ridiculous! Everyone knows that only the government should care for the poor with all their great social programs.Not convinced? Here are 10 reasons it's way bet ...
The federal health care program is on track for a trust fund shortfall in just five years. But instead of paying for the program that exists, Democrats want to expand it.
President Biden’s hasty exit from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s rapid takeover left the U.S. in a tough spot for getting at the country’s rare earth minerals, while China positioned itself to cash in.
Far-left co-host of "The View" Joy Behar on Wednesday's show implied that unvaccinated COVID-19 patients don't deserve medical help because they've "chosen to defy the science" and have "chosen to listen to the lies on Fox [News]" — all while patients with other needs can't get hospital beds.What ar...
Larry Elder, the leading replacement candidate in the California recall election, said he would back legislation forbidding critical race theory in public schools.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday called on the Taliban to stop blocking charter flights containing Americans from departing Afghanistan.
Kendall Tietz  Students at the University of Texas at Austin filed a lawsuit alleging a “hostile environment” for black students because of the school’s
Social media users mocked a headline from The Hill indicating that the State Department is concerned about the Taliban having an all-male interim government in Afghanistan, with many wondering if they were reading the satirical website the Babylon Bee.
A new study by the U.S. CDC showed that three-quarters of individuals who became infected with COVID-19 at public events in a Massachusetts county had been fully vaccinated.
Far-left co-host of "The View" Joy Behar on Wednesday's show implied that unvaccinated COVID-19 patients don't deserve medical help because they've "chosen to defy the science" and have "chosen to listen to the lies on Fox [News]" — all while patients with other needs can't get hospital beds.What ar...
Sebastian Hughes  The U.S. State Department expressed concern over the Taliban placing a designated terrorist as the interim prime minister in
AUSTIN, TX - It’s been very depressing lately for Democrats in Texas. Recently, a bill outlawing almost all abortions was upheld, and just the other day a new bill was signed into law clamping down on voter fraud.So now, with Democrats’ two favorite activities - abortion and voter fraud - unavailable, they’re left with nothing to ...
President Biden continued his bizarre habit of implying his handlers call the shots from behind the scenes on Wednesday when he concluded remarks in honor of labor unions by saying what he was "supposed" to do. 
If the question is, “Could China take over Bagram now that we’ve left?” then the answer is “Yes.” If the second question is, “But will they?” then the answer...
Tesla will buy their Biden-co-owned China-made-with-Afghan-lithium batteries
Australia’s highest court ruled that media outlets are “publishers” liable for defamatory comments posted by Facebook users on their social network pages.
The city of Portland announced it intends to ban trade and travel to the state of Texas in response to the state’s new abortion law.
White House officials have reportedly been reduced to muting President Biden when he's talking over anxiety the president might speak unscripted. 
NFL players can wear social justice messages on their helmets again this season and “It Takes All of Us” and “End Racism” will be stenciled in end zones for the second straight year as part of the league’s Inspire Change platform.
China is reportedly weighing plans to take over Bagram Airfield, which once served as the largest U.S. military base in Afghanistan, new reports revealed
Bob Cappucci wants you to know that you don’t have to vote for a pro-abortion liberal Democrat for mayor of Boston. The lifelong East Boston resident is a candidate on the ballot in the Tuesday, September 14 preliminary election — even though he’s not getting much media attention. The 76-year-old, who served in the Boston...