The media outlets which sold the wars, and sold Biden’s candidacy too, are now whispering that he’s past it
Today, a law went into effect allowing all South Carolina concealed weapon permit holders to open carry firearms. The law also includes provisions to review and prohibit state enforcement of federal laws that limit carrying firearms.
As disgraced outgoing Gov. Andrew Cuomo packed his bags and sent his belongings to his sister’s house in his last days in office, he left something very important behind — his dog.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo recommended for parole David Gilbert, a convicted murderer and member of the terrorist organization Weather Underground, on Monday.
Rep. Adam Schiff said that Kabul's airport could be a target for terrorist attacks from ISIS-K and Al Qaeda as U.S. and allied troops on the ground prepare to evacuate
The Taliban said there will be 'consequences" if Biden extends his Afghan withdrawal deadline.
MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan on Sunday defended President Joe Biden from detractors criticizing his handling of the "disaster" in Afghanistan and blasted those in the media, military officials, politicians and former Bush and Trump administration officials for their reactions to the unfolding situation in the war-torn country.
Over the past week, retired U.S. Air Force Gen. and former Bush administration Central Intelligence Agency director Michael Hayden compared supporters of
The Taliban announced it would organize a "committee" to "address media problems in Kabul," an apparent response to widespread violence.
How does one recognize a faithful follower of the One True President Trump? They may have been scattered, but they are not defeated. Trump has preserved for himself a faithful remnant, and they will someday return with the armies of MAGA to usher in the second term of President Trump. So how d ...
White House press secretary Jen Psaki lashed out at a reporter after he accused the Biden administration of leaving Americans stranded in Afghanistan. The contentious interaction unfolded Monday during the White House media briefing. "Does the president have a sense that most of the criticism ...
Symbolism is important. The ­indelible symbol of the new-ish millennium remains two gaping, burning towers in Lower Manhattan, and then their collapse.
The crisis in Afghanistan, mushrooming with the force and immensity of a nuclear bomb, is clearly a huge nuisance for President Biden.
Brian Stelter, host of the badly misnamed “Reliable Sources” on CNN, took the opportunity of the death of a popular talk radio host to do the only thing
Andrew Cuomo delivered a farewell address Monday in which he lamented the "media frenzy" that met #METOO allegations leveled against him. 
CNN anchor Jim Acosta's rank partisanship was evident yet again Sunday as he battled a GOP guest over the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and bemoaned “disgusting” years-old remarks by a conservative radio host running for governor in California.
Are they upset by the idea that Biden's not up to it or for the suggestion Jill "let" him run?
As Wall Street scrambles to find safe ways to return its bankers to the office as the Delta variant surges, some financiers have found a scapegoat for the mess: the unvaccinated. “Most employees on…
The majority of Americans no longer believe President Joe Biden is competent in his role as the Commander-in-Chief, according to a CBS News poll.
American officials should champion democracy, human rights, and U.S. interests. But only making lofty, but unsupported, pronouncements damages U.S. credibility
It appears almost the entire country can see how badly Biden has handled the Afghanistan withdrawal
Mary Margaret Olohan  TIME’S UP co-founder Roberta Kaplan resigned after she was implicated in discrediting Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s accusers. Her co-founder
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Standing atop a large dais being held up by dozens of American citizens, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Omar unveiled a new flag they felt best represented the Democratic party’s goal for the role of government. Centered in the bright yellow flag was an image of a snake being squashed under a burea ...
Five retired Navy SEALS are running for Republicans seats in the House of Representatives in a collective effort to get more veterans in Congress.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - There has been a lot of bad news coming out of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, including that the Taliban has now obtained a lot of U.S. military equipment, such as humvees, Black Hawk helicopters, and attack planes. But Biden delivered some good news in a recent press conference: Americans have obtained some of the Taliban&rsq ...