Sen. Ron Johnson called out the Biden administration’s health agencies Sunday for shortcutting the usual safety reviews in a rush to give final approval to COVID-19 vaccines, including failing to account for thousands of deaths and adverse reactions among people worldwide who got the shots.
August Pfluger said Monday that Nancy Pelosi is using the cover of the chaos in Afghanistan to prioritize a $5 trillion spending spree.
Harry Wilmerding  Mississippi will punish residents who don’t isolate after testing positive for COVID-19 with up to 5 years in prison and $5,000 in
Donald Trump Jr. observed, "Joe Biden is fine with terrorists being armed… just not law abiding Americans."
A Taliban spokesman said the U.S. and Britain will face "consequences" if they seek to extend their military presence in Afghanistan.
After failing to keep him off the ballot, California Democrats have now resorted to investigating Larry Elder's financial disclosures.
THE TALIBAN are thought to be going door to door in search of Christian believers, with at least one case of an Afghan Christian being killed by militant fighters for owning a bible.
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis responded to a letter from the Associated Press, in which the publication defended its failure to retract a debunked
Almost 15 million mail-in votes have “gone unaccounted for,” according to a new report by the Indiana-based election integrity group”Public Interest Legal Foundation” (PILF)....
Landlords aiming to strike down the Biden administration’s evictions moratorium have returned to the Supreme Court, telling the justices that Congress never gave the Centers for Disease and Prevention the “staggering amount of power” it claimed in renewing the evictions ban.
President Joe Biden is redirecting his focus on Monday from Afghanistan to House Democrats who are threatening to block.
From the August 15 Chris Ingram Show, Chris talks about the challenges of expressing fact-based opinions that snowflakes on social media sights are
None of the usual excuses serve to explain a major foreign policy disaster.

Meltdown of a Superpower

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

A week after the Fall of Kabul, the flailing hegemon continues to embarrass itself: America's official deadline for total withdrawal from Afghanistan is August 31st, so half the remaining time has already elapsed, and in that first week of a final
Mississippi’s daily new cases are the highest they’ve been during the pandemic.
Footage from a pro-Taliban news agency apparently shows inmates being freed from Pul-e-Charkhi prison.
A rural, Australian council recently shot multiple rescue dogs, "under its interpretation of COVID-19 restrictions."
Embassy staffers accused the US of betrayal after they were advised to head to the airport — but instead suffered a “brutal experience” without protection, according to a diplomat…
Intelligence agencies have warned Islamic State is infiltrating the Afghan capital as the Kabul airport death toll soared to 20
On Monday, MSNBC reported that South Florida doctors walked out of the hospital in protest of unvaccinated people. Morning Joe host, Joe Scarborough said,
President Joe Biden delivered remarks to the nation on the COVID-19 response and the vaccination program from the White House Monday afternoon.  
Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo publicly opposed defunding the police, calling the idea "misguided and dangerous" in his farewell address Monday.
Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has become the latest mask-pusher who seems to live by the credo, "Do as I say, not as I do." As the New York
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued full approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine Aug. 23, moving it up from it's emergency-use authorization the vaccine has had since Dec. 11, 2020. The Pfizer vaccine is fully authorized for use for citizens ages 16 and older, and still under emergency-use authorization for those older than 12, according to an FDA press release.
"China and Russia are keen to recognize Afghanistan's new government," the Afghan news outlet Pajhwok reported Monday.