HEART-warming pictures of Marines tending to Afghani children have gone viral as evacuations continue following the Taliban’s takeover of the country six days ago. The images, taken by a US s…
President Joe Biden will travel to his home in Delaware Saturday, as thousands of Americans and Afghan allies remain stranded in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s takeover last weekend.
President Trump has taken Joe Biden to task for not following his administration's lead and sending American exceptionalism into disarray. On Friday, the 45th president spoke with Alabama-based radio show Rick and Bubba to discuss what he would do differently from the Oval Office.
On Friday, a judge will hear Elaine Tholen’s argument to dismiss the over 5,000 signatures her constituents submitted against her due to her neglect, incompetence, and dereliction of duty in
"Never let a serious crisis go to waste?" -  Chief-of-Staff to president elect Barack Obama Rahm Emanuel, Wall Street Journal interview on November 19,
“It’s getting late early,” said that great 20th century philosopher, Yogi Berra. For President Joseph Biden, this nugget from the New York Yankees Hall of Fame catcher sticks like butterscotch as
Are wellmeaning teachers unintentionally producing moral nihilism in their students?
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Potential Islamic State threats against Americans in Afghanistan are forcing the U.S. military to develop new ways to get evacuees to the airport in Kabul, a senior U.S. official said Saturday, adding a new complication to the already chaotic efforts to get people out of the country after its swift fall to the Taliban.
Andrew Kerr The State Department told the Daily Caller News Foundation it will “no longer” charge Americans thousands of dollars to board evacuation
Andrew Kerr  President Joe Biden said Friday his administration provided support for the evacuation of the French embassy to the Kabul airport in
The events of January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol were not "the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result," according to officials quoted in an
In a decision Friday night, the U.S. Supreme Court temporarily blocked a judge’s order calling for the reinstatement of the Trump administration’s "Remain in Mexico" policy following a halt by President Biden.
A female Afghan journalist denounced Thursday that Taliban jihadists are banning women from leaving their homes.
Politico Playbook's report Friday on the recent “chilling effect on the D.C. party scene" by Barack Obama's 60th birthday bash is being described as one of the more revealing reports ever posted on Washington's culture.
I’m not sure why anyone bothers listening to Joe Biden. He’s a liar. As PJM’s Stephen Green noted, Biden’s Friday afternoon speech was full of lies, and it’s amazing that...
What an absolute catastrophe and Joe Biden owns all of it.
As for the President’s Friday press conference itself, it was a tissue of, let’s put this delicately, demonstrable falsehoods
Twitter briefly removed Danny DeVito's blue-check verification after the Hollywood star tweeted his solidarity with a labor strike at Nabisco, according to multiple reports.
Vice President Kamala Harris will campaign in support of California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) in the Golden State's recall election.
MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace said Friday on her show "Deadline" that it was a scandal that Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is making Fox News appearances and banning mask mandates as "kids are dropping dead in his state" of COVID-19. | Clips
Our worthless elite were not always, and will not always be, in charge.
The regime’s logic is flawed and can be undone.
A January 6th protester is facing the possibility of sitting behind bars once again after he violated the conditions of his pre-trial release by reading news and watching conservative videos on Rum…
A Taliban fighting unit called the Badri 313 Battalion was spotted patrolling parts of Kabul with U.S.-made weapons, and posting one photo appearing to mock the iconic World War II photo, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima.
WASHINGTON, DC—President* Joe Biden finally promised the 10-15,000 Americans still trapped in Afghanistan that they don't need to worry about mean tweets anymore. "I promise every American who is stuck in that godforsaken place that is now run by violent extremists the Taliban that they don't hav