James Jay Carafano: President Biden's latest remarks on Afghanistan were pathetic and show he has no sense of history.
The Biden administration made an emergency request to the Supreme Court late Friday asking it to block a lower court ruling requiring restoration of President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy.
More than two dozen GOP House members released a comment criticizing a proposed rule by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Friday said if President Joe Biden leaves U.S. citizens and allies in Afghanistan, based on the Constitution, he deserves to be impeached.
All three of us are mathematicians who came to the United States as young immigrants, having been attracted by the unmatched quality and openness of American universities. We came, as many others before and after, with nothing more than a good education and a strong desire to succeed. As David
There will be no lockdown, but the governor has ordered an indefinite restriction of movement for those who remain unvaccinated. Entry will be prohibited to certain businesses where there has been a h
"If the free world doesn’t respond with strength to those attacks, we may see some attacks here in the United States within 9-12 months,"said David Grantham, a war veteran
President Joe Biden will travel to his home in Delaware Saturday, as thousands of Americans and Afghan allies remain stranded in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s takeover last weekend.
His talk of fearless truth-telling has proved, true to form, to be just talk.
There’s a case for accepting military interpreters. Beyond that, we should be discerning about whom we bring to the U.S.
Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary temporarily wound up in Twitter jail on Friday after the Associated Press accused her of leading a badgering effort
In a hastily called news conference Monday afternoon President Joe Biden and his advisors tried to control the damage of this past weekend.
[To book an interview on this topic please contact John Kartch at [email protected]] During his campaign, President Biden promised the American people that he would not raise taxes on small businesses. Now he is violating that promise, and next week House Democrats will vote on the framework to make the tax hikes possible. Biden's small business tax promise was made on Feb. 20, 2020 before a national audience during a Democratic debate hosted by MSNBC: MSNBC's Hallie Jackson: "I want to ask you about Latinos owning one out of every four new small businesses in the United States.
The Left hates Tucker Carlson and Fox News. Many leftists would be thrilled if both disappeared tomorrow. And one MSNBC host went after Tucker Carlson. It turned out badly for this reason. MSNBC’s deranged never-Trump host Nicole Wallace attacked Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham for rejecting the idea that America needed to throw open its […]
Pompeo said President Joe Biden’s “tragic” failure in his withdrawal from Afghanistan “didn’t have to be this way.”
Mask-wearing mandates for young children in schools offer many positive benefits according to the New York Times.
President Joe Biden's job approval is underwater in most states, according to the CIVIQS rolling job approval average.
According to four current and former law enforcement officials, the FBI has “found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of
Nancy Pelosi is as cutthroat as Speakers come. She expects Democrats to fall in line behind her every demand. Which is why Nancy Pelosi’s jaw hit the floor after she read this one letter from a group of House Democrats. Nancy Pelosi is determined to combine the $1.2 trillion-dollar “infrastructure” spending bill and the $3.5 […]
Australia began as a penal colony and it will end as one
The craven behaviour of the USA’s court media has hidden for too long the president’s deep flaws
In a statement Friday, former President Donald J. Trump called on President Biden to apologize to all Americans. "Joe Biden must apologize to America for
President Joe Biden keeps making his awful Afghanistan withdrawal strategy worse day by day as he keeps sugarcoating the reality of the situation for Afghans and Americans, Michael Goodwin writes.&…
US president says lives may be lost as 100,000 Afghans face being stranded in Kabul after its fall to the Taliban
American troops left the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, this week and rescued 169 Americans, officials said Friday. The ...