Joe Rogan railed against vaccine passports on a recent episode of his podcast, which drew the ire of the outrage mob who are once again attempting to cancel the massively successful podcast host. Rogan warned that vaccine passports take America "one step closer" to a dictatorship. During an episode ...
Celebrities and a massive tent were spotted in Martha’s Vineyard for former President Obama’s 60th birthday that his office said was “scaled back” to include just close friends and family amid concerns over the Delta coronavirus variant.
U.S. - According to media experts, there must be something really bad happening on the Left, as CNN's homepage is completely filled with articles about Trump and how awful he is. 'I can only imagine what kind of depraved scandals must be plaguing the Democrat party today, for them to be talking about Trump this much,' said political anal ...
A Texas jury sentenced a man to death in connection to a fatal attack on a San Antonio police officer. On Friday, 31-year-old Otis McKane was given the death penalty for the killing of 50-year-old San Antonia Police Department Detective Benjamin Marconi back in 2016.
Should most guns be illegal in Massachusetts? That’s what at least two members of the Massachusetts Legislature think. State Representative David Linsky (D-Natick) introduced a bill into the Massachusetts House of Representatives in February called “An Act Banning Semi-Automatic Firearms” (H.4038). State Representative Michelle DuBois (D-Brockton) is the lone co-sponsor on the bill. It was...
Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley Sector in Texas have apprehended two MS-13 gang members and a migrant convicted of a sex crime against a child -- the latest instance of criminals arrested at the border amid fears of criminals getting into the U.S. by exploiting the border crisis.
Immigrants and president Biden’s border policies are not to blame for the rise in COVID cases in Florida and elsewhere, the non-partisan fact-checking website PolitiFact determined Friday, despite claims to that effect by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Tim, Ian, and Lydia join journalist Cassandra Fairbanks and FreedomToons founder Seamus Coughlin to analyze how PETA is capable of being incredibly successfu...
A warden at a federal prison holding Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell was charged with murder this week. ...
The Senate on Saturday convincingly advanced the bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill in a key test vote to break the filibuster, putting the upper chamber one step closer to passing one of President Biden’s marquee spending priorities.

Clown(s) of the Week

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

If their daddy wasn’t a prominent politician back in the day, these two guidos would still be in Queens, running an auto body shop, defrauding insurance companies and selling blow in the even…
Fully vaccinated citizens and permanent residents of the U.S. will soon be able to cross the Canadian border. Here's what travelers should know.
Former President Donald Trump slammed the infrastructure bill as a "gift to the Democrat Party, compliments of Mitch McConnell."
A Missouri taxi company will not provide transportation to people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or are wearing masks."We don't allow any type of masks in our vehicles," Yo
CNN announced Friday that anchor Chris Cuomo will be taking a "long-planned vacation" amid scandals surrounding his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who was found earlier this week to
But who got cut says everything about Obama...
Over quarter of Americans are either not getting vaccinated or remain unsure if they will, survey released this week found.
Fully vaccinated people who get a COVID-19 "breakthrough" infection can spread the virus to others even if they are not symptomatic, Centers for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky told CNN on Thursday. She warned that an autumn/winter surge in the COVID "Delta" variant could again see hundreds of thousands of cases per day. "Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," she said. "They continue to work well with delta with regard to severe illness and death, but what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission." "So, if you are going home to somebody who has not been vaccinated to somebody who can't get vaccinated, somebody who is immunosuppressed or a little frail, somebody with comorbidities, I would suggest you wear a mask in public indoor settings."
There could be “a couple” of misdemeanor charges stemming from a criminal complaint filed this week by one of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s aides, the Albany County Sheriff said Saturday.
Former President Donald Trump ripped the Senate’s $1 trillion infrastructure package as a “disgrace.”
Every day as I write from my home office, my sweet, elderly beagle Reggie sits next to me and keeps me company. I adopted him from a rescue shelter almost a
Former President Donald Trump ripped the Senate’s $1 trillion infrastructure package as a “disgrace.”
Numerous women accuse New York Governor Cuomo of sexual harassment. Several party friends are already calling for Democrats to resign. But Cuomo's lawyers are not thinking of giving up, attacking the investigators responsible.
A summer 'Learning Guide' published by Fairfax County Public Schools in Northern Virginia is teaching anti-police rhetoric to second graders.
In a grand milestone, half of all Americans have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday.