When Mike Rowe was asked by a fan this week why he hadn't urged his followers to get vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus, he took to Facebook to issue a
The condition is a usually temporary period of facial muscle weakness or paralysis with symptoms that can include loss of feeling in the face and headaches

Yes, the 2020 election was stolen

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Mentally travel back in time to a few days before the Nov. 3, 2020 election. President Donald Trump was drawing massive overflow crowds to his daily rallies in cities across the nation, even holding five events in five different cities on the Sunday before Election Day. In every venue, the air was filled with thunderous…
Runaway Texas Democrats file lawsuit against Gov. Greg Abbott for 'damaging their reputations'
Nearly two dozen Texas House Democrats who fled the state last month have sued Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republican officials.

Why the Quad Alarms China

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The Quad's success poses a major threat to Beijing’s ambitions.
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney says he won't "take lectures" from federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu on how to handle COVID-19.
Joe Rogan isn't a fan of vaccine passports. During a discussion with Evan Hafer, he said vaccine passports could lead to a dictatorship.
President Joe Biden wants half of all cars sold in the U.S. to be electric within 10 years. Without new mines, China will maintain grip on battery supply.
CNN host Fareed Zakaria spoke about Trump supporters and the unvaccinated in an interview Friday with CNN's Don Lemon. Zakaria said life should be "tough" for those who do not get the COVID-19 vaccine, calling it "part of your responsibility as a citizen in a free society." Zakaria also had thoughts on former President Donald Trump and his "attack" on Western Enlightenment. Zakaria cited French President Macron as someone who "despite all the protests" got people to be vaccinated because he threatened to make like "tough" for those who refuse to get vaccinated. "I think when we confront problems like this issue of vaccination, I think we have to stop trying to coddle people who are simply willfully denying facts and truth and science," Zakaria said. "You're not going to be able to persuade them," Zakaria said of the unvaccinated. "Just you have to get tough. You have to start making it very, very difficult for people to be around in a country where they're spreading a disease or they are potentially spreading a disease. Look at what Macron did in France. Despite all the protests, vaccination rates have surged in France. Because he said, look, life will be tough for people who refuse to do this." "The most important thing at this point is to try and create a set of policies that as you say, just say to people, look, when you buy a car in America, you are forced to, required by law, to wear seat belts. To drive it, observing the speed limit, not to be drunk while driving, to get insurance, to get regular inspections. We mandate vaccines for goodness sake. No kid can go to public school in America without having a whole slew of vaccines. This is part of your responsibility as a citizen in a fair society," he said. Zakaria said Trump has attacked the core of "Western Enlightenment" by creating a "post-truth society" where there are no such things as truth and facts. "I think you're touching on the most worrying part about the Trump legacy, which is the post-truth society that he has built," Zakaria lamented. "Trump recognized that what he needed to be able to manipulate the truth and manipulate the message. And he went at it by saying, there is no such thing as truth, there are no such things as facts. The facts I don't like are fake facts. That's attacking the core of the Western Enlightenment project, the values that America was built on, the Enlightenment of the scientific revolution." "You're seeing a direct line between the post-truth message that Trump has sent out for the last four years and what is happening with vaccines," Zakaria claimed. "You have a group of Americans, something like 20%, 30%, who despite overwhelming scientific evidence, despite scientific expertise, weighing in, telling them, pleading with them to get the vaccine, who simply won't get a vaccine." "They are denying themselves the treatment, the cure against a deadly disease that has killed 600,000 people, almost twice as many Americans as died in World War II," the correspondent said. "They're denying themselves the cure for that, because they've come to believe this series of falsehoods, lies, myths, conspiracy theories. It's a pretty powerful belief system that makes you do things that will actually harm your own health." Host Don Lemon wondered out loud if in the "last couple of years" people have been "rewired" to create their own reality. "What I've noticed over the last couple of years, Fareed, and maybe this is beyond our pay grade, I'm not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, but what it's done to people's psyche and really their mentality, the way that they think, they think differently," the anchor said. "I wonder if in a way it's rewired people's brains to believe in lies or just to be able to create their own reality to fit what they want it to fit. because I can't explain just the absurdity of it all and the lack of people being moored to any truth." DON LEMON: It's clear from everything we know that he was attempting a coup. Do you have faith that our democracy will hold up if this happens again? FAREED ZAKARIA: I think you're touching on the most worrying part about the Trump legacy, which is the post-truth society that he has built. Trump recognized that what he needed to be able to manipulate the truth and manipulate the message. And he went at it by saying, there is no such thing as truth, there are no such things as facts. The facts I don't like are fake facts. That's attacking the core of the Western Enlightenment project, the values that America was built on, the Enlightenment of the scientific revolution. When you start to go into that world of a kind of never-never land where there are no actual facts - January 6th didn't happen or it happened in a completely different form. Yeah, I worry a great deal because what is the bulwark, if you can't establish that actually what happened there was a violation of our Constitutional principles and traditions, where do we go? It's not as though the Trump Republicans are saying, yes, we agree with these facts, but we're not going to punish him. Actually, black is white. What you thought you saw actually didn't happen. It's the most bizarre head fake that I can imagine. LEMON: What I've been saying, what I've noticed over the last couple of years, Fareed, and maybe this is beyond our pay grade, I'm not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, but what it's done to people's psyche and really their mentality, the way that they think, they think differently. I wonder if in a way it's rewired people's brains to believe in lies or just to be able to create their own reality to fit what they want it to fit. because I can't explain just the absurdity of it all and the lack of people being moored to any truth. ZAKARIA: You're seeing a direct line between the post-truth message that Trump has sent out for the last four years and what is happening with vaccines. You have a group of Americans, something like 20%, 30%, who despite overwhelming scientific evidence, despite scientific expertise, weighing in, telling them, pleading with them to get the vaccine, who simply won't get a vaccine. So they are denying themselves the treatment, the cure against a deadly disease that has killed 600,000 people, almost twice as many Americans as died in World War II. They're denying themselves the cure for that, because they've come to believe this series of falsehoods, lies, myths, conspiracy theories. It's a pretty powerful belief system that makes you do things that will actually harm your own health. LEMON: Yes. This isn't really true, but i want it to be true, so i'm going to grab it to try to make it into my own reality. It's bizarre. But, look, the former president and his allies didn't really care about truth, right? They were intent on weaponizing parts of the government to build up a false reality and then stay in power. What is going to take to restore the damage from that? Or can we do it, or are we too far gone? ZAKARIA: It's a great question, and I don't have a good answer. But I think when we confront problems like this issue of vaccination, I think we have to stop trying to coddle people who are simply willfully denying facts and truth and science. LEMON: Have you been watching my show, Fareed? You're not going to be able to persuade them. Just you have to get tough. You have to start making it very, very difficult for people to be around in a country where they're spreading a disease or they are potentially spreading a disease. Look at what Macron did in France. Despite all the protests, vaccination rates have surged in France. Because he said, look, life will be tough for people who refuse to do this. I've been saying that over and over every single night, at a certain point, some people are just not convincible. You can't convince them. you have to put your focus on the people who are actually doing the right thing, and protecting the people, who are playing by the rules and getting vaccinated and actually helping their fellow man and themselves... The most important thing at this point is to try and create a set of policies that as you say, just say to people, look, when you buy a car in America, you are forced to, required by law, to wear seat belts. To drive it, observing the speed limit, not to be drunk while driving, to get insurance, to get regular inspections. We mandate vaccines for goodness sakes. No kid can go to public school in America without having a whole slew of vaccines. This is part of your responsibility as a citizen in a fair society.
The Minnesota congresswoman discusses her efforts to institute a nationwide cancellation of residential rent and mortgage payments until the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mike Rowe explained why he won't endorse the COVID-19 vaccine and said the government needs to "stop treating the unvaccinated like the enemy."
Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio) is calling on his fellow Republicans to consider filing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for violating the Constitution and dereliction of duty....
United Airlines will require employees in the U.S. to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by late October, perhaps sooner, joining a rising number of big corporations that are responding to a surge in v…
So, I’m not going to wear a mask. If any employee of any retail establishment asks me to put on a mask, I will take my custom elsewhere.
A Rhode Island mom was dragged from her car and beaten in the street in front of her young daughter — just for honking at a group of dirt-bike riders blocking the road, according to police.
Earlier this week, Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) officials removed over 205,000 voter registrations from their state election system, through two
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán defended his government's actions during an interview with Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson.
Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero ordered mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for all government of Guam executive branch workers Friday.
Will the Democrats stop admonishing others who choose to hold gatherings?
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered a new special legislative session to pass a Republican-backed voting law, although dozens ...
The University of Wisconsin was removing a 70-ton boulder from its Madison campus on Friday at the request of minority students who view the rock as a symbol of racism.
Virginia's Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), is telling second graders the message, "I feel safe when there are no police."
Former Trump national security official Michael Anton made his case for allowing counties in several blue states to essentially secede to form new states or become part of other neighboring ones that better match their socioeconomic values.
Inflation harms the working class the most, but the Democrats are encouraging it so they can keep spending and increase federal control.