News Analysis When President Joe Biden announced in the White House August 5 that he wants half of ...
When the Biden administration invited UN “investigators” into the United States to investigate alleged “systemic racism” last month, normal Americans balked but China cheered. ...
WASHINGTON, DC—President* Joe Biden announced today a new national mandate for neck seatbelts in all cars for all ages. The new neck seatbelt is designed to protect the neck from moving in a collision. "Look, science has spoken and it says that neck seatbelts are the best way to save lives in thi
Western Society is beginning to look a lot like Germany in the 1930s and China in the 1960s. The Holocaust didn’t happen overnight; in the years immediately preceding it, “undesirables,…
A drug meant to treat cholesterol was found to reduce coronavirus infection by 70% in lab studies, with researchers calling for additional clinical trials among hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
A Democratic Arizona state senator was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting two teenaged brothers, and police say they have him on audio admitting to the crimes. Sen. Otoniel "Tony" Navarrete of Phoenix was arrested on Thursday on suspicion of having sexual conduct with a minor, police sai...
In Chicago, a fitting monument for the ‘pen and phone’ president. 
A Vermont journalist unironically penned a column this week telling how his experience shooting an AR-15 in an indoor range 'rattled' him.
History shows true leaders suffer alongside those they lead, as did Alexander the Great. Democrats should take note and try following their own rules.
The baby's sex has already been determined by its genetic makeup and corresponding anatomy. Hence, no one can 'assign' any sex designation at birth.
Just as Democrats conveniently forgave Gov. Ralph Northam for his blackface scandal, they will only call for Cuomo's resignation as long as it's politically expedient.
CNN announced on Friday that it will be airing a one-hour special on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., in the 9pm ET timeslot belonging to its embattled anchor Chris Cuomo, who reportedly will be going on a "long-planned vacation."
In a stunning admission ... and not stunning because it's hard to believe, but rather stunning in that I never expected her to admit it, Biden's Press Secretary, Jen Psaki admitted who the real boss is. Ever since Joe Biden was proposed as a possible candidate for president his main pitch is that he was...
President Joe Biden is the root cause of today’s COVID-19 superspreader extravaganza on the southern frontier. His come-and-get-it, no-borders policy offers a Laurel and Hardy welcome to COVID-infe…
The Biden administration said Thursday it will promote COVID-19 vaccination in schools this fall by pushing the shots at sports physicals, educating parents on “Back to School” nights and helping school districts offer pop-up clinics at their schools.
Florida's Board of Education on Friday approved private school vouchers for families unhappy with public school districts requiring ...
As stars like Stephen Amell and Zachary Levi flock to the Texas capital, median home prices have risen a stunning 43 percent in one year in the "cool," "friendly" city: "I've just been waiting for the secret to get out," says Matthew McConaughey.
Now the progressive elites are caught again between two tempting sources of hysteria, like a donkey caught between two bales of hay
It looks like Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) has been vindicated. Earlier this week, the governor shared that "in hindsight, I wish that had not become law" when it comes to
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is under fire for the damning results of an independent investigation, led by the state’s Democratic attorney general, that show he violated state and
Just days after unconstitutionally extending a moratorium on evictions through the Centers for Disease Control, the White House announced Friday afternoon the Department of Education is extending an emergency pause
As the United States prepares to solemnly mark the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, more than 1,800 family members, first responders, and survivors directly impacted
A Rhode Island parent is being sued by a teachers' union over her request of critical race theory public records.
Embattled New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) could face jail time after one of his accusers filed a criminal complaint against him.
The Biden Administration took a little discussed but significant action this month in dropping a lawsuit against the University of Vermont Medical Center for allegedly forcing pro-life nurses to pa…