Members left Texas about 10 days ago and have said they plan to stay out of state until after the special session ends Aug. 6.
Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting system of rural Fulton county, saying that an election assessment by a third party had violated the state's election code.
While Senate Republicans blocked the debate on the infrastructure bill, why are they negotiating with the Democrats all as if they plan on using reconciliation to pass the multi-trillion-dollar pac…
Keeping it vague.
A Cincinnati-area restaurant owner who asked President Biden about his struggles to hire workers because he’s competing with expanded federal unemployment benefits said Thursday that the president didn’t answer his question.
"The View" co-host Meghan McCain went after congressional leadership on both sides of the aisle Thursday, imploring House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to "start acting like adults and not pathetic bureaucrats."
The curtain has fallen on another season of the Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week,” and summer beachgoers are left once again with nightmarish thoughts about what might be lurking beyond the breakers.
Rather than proving the need to sow more panic, fear, and control over people, the story from India — the source of the "Delta" variant — continues to refute every current premise of COVID fascism. The prevailing narrative from Fauci, Walensky, and company is that Delta is more serious than anything...
In a situation reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s infamous private email server scandal, President Biden has been caught using a personal email account to send
A drive-by shooting targeting a party bus in Chicago late last night has left eight people injured in what was the third mass attack in the city in a span of six hours, police say.
It didn’t take long for censors to scrub former President Trump’s remarks at CPAC from the internet.
Mark this column as only in California. “Pregnancy resources,” including condoms, have been shipped to the largest women’s state prison in California to
Production companies are moving operations to New Mexico to take advantage of a 35% tax incentive.
President Joe Biden said that a CDC recommendation for unvaccinated children in school to wear a mask would be coming soon.
The fact that DeSantis has been consistent (and largely right) infuriates them.
CNN’s heavily promoted town hall event with President Biden lit up social media for all the wrong reasons on Wednesday night as everything from crowd size to moderator Don Lemon’s performance was roasted. 
The agreement allows the completion of the project, benefiting Germany and Russia, over opposition from Ukraine.
The media only ever plays defense for him.
Rasmussen also noted that there is actually more public support for investigating the BLM protests than January 6, with only 49 percent favoring an
On Nord Stream and Chinese hacking, a message of weakness.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Thursday said the Jan. 6 committee will continue to seek the truth about the cause of the deadly Capitol attack despite GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy pulling all his Republican members from serving on the panel. 
The war between the states.
Bill Ackman, the billionaire owner of Pershing Square Capital Management is foreseeing a massive boom in the U.S economy. Ackman based his predictions based on trillions of dollars in federal stimulus that have been given out, an increase in wages, pent-up savings, and the rise in vaccinations. He said these will lead to a "massive, massive economic boom."
Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting system of rural Fulton county, saying that an election assessment by a third party had violated the state's election code.