In 2020, GOP women won 11 out of 14 house seats that marked Republican victories over Democrat incumbents. Those wins not only brought the number of Republican congresswomen to 31, but also gave confidence to conservative women to get their names on the ballot for the upcoming midterm elections.
The DSA, the largest socialist political organization in the United States, has previously called for an end to U.S. sanctions on the dictatorial regime.
The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are seeing a historic mass exodus away from their organizations:
Kirstie Alley voiced her opinion about children being exposed to "perverse" content on television and on the internet. The Hollywood actress warned that society's open-mindedness will eventually lead us down a road of accepting pedophilia. Alley's comments angered many, including fellow celebrities ...
WASHINGTON—Shaking his head and sighing while poking around various rotting, dilapidated sections of the 3.8-million-square-mile country, local contractor Randy Alonzo looked President Joe Biden in the eye Friday and told him that it would be cheaper just to tear down the United States and start over. “Yeah, no, I’ll…
Joe Biden sent a warning to Russian President Vladamir Putin that the U.S. would take action if he was to find Russia was behind Friday's mass cyberattack on at least 200 companies. Biden spoke to reporters on Saturday and said although the U.S. did not initially think the attack came from the Russian government, he was not sure who it was for certain.
WASHINGTON—Vowing to never again make the same mistake, the U.S. Department of Labor announced Friday that they would stop obsessing about counting jobs and just enjoy the economy for what it already is. “We’ve gotten so caught up with the whole jobs counting thing over the years that we forgot to appreciate all that…
President Donald Trump held a campaign-style rally at the Sarasota Fairgrounds in Florida. Crowds began to gather well before the sunrise on Saturday to enter the long-awaited Save America rally. 
What are some of Frédéric Bastiat's contributions to political thought? We shall see them in this short article.
In this installment of Las Movies, Ignacio M. García Medina talks about Death Wish and its defense of the Second Amendment.
In total, the Chavista regime has eliminated eight zeros from the Venezuelan bolivar to disguise inflation, which will now become 14
The Chinese leader assured that whoever tries to harass them "will surely break their heads on the steel Great Wall built with the blood and flesh of 1.4 billion of Chinese people"
Gov. Cuomo’s youngest daughter isn’t just out and proud, she’s getting specific about her sexual orientation
Joe Biden took notes out of his jacket when asked about a "hack by the Russians" during an ostensibly unscripted visit to a store in Michigan.
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
Bill Cosby is a free man after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the conviction that sent him to jail roughly three years ago to serve three to 10 years for sexual assault.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who has been leading the United States’ effort to have a global minimum tax of at least 15%, made the announcement Thursday
A little-noticed study says government orders to “shelter in place” during the COVID-19 fight did not save lives and actually spurred an uptick in excess deaths in some places, especially overseas.
Students and other young people walking around the Georgetown area of Washington, D.C., struggled to say whether they were “proud” to be American ahead of 4th of July weekend.
“Hello, everyone,” Mr. Biden said to laughter. “They tell me there are a few people out there watching [online].”
Taxpayer-unded NPR reluctantly repeated its tradition of the staff reading the Declaration of Independence and highligted its racist content.
"President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will make a significant announcement about"...
The struggle won the independence of a country whose power and ideals have influenced the course of history for the better.
"The city council's aim is to try to recoup the cost of responding to gun incidents such as shootings and deaths."