A joint statement released by the United States, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the State of Israel announced the 'establishment of full diplomatic relations.'
Wrapping up a three-day tour in Chicago, Phoenix and Cleveland Friday, Attorney General Bill Barr took on the media during an exclusive interview with Townhall."They're basically a collection of liars.
D.C. police arrested two students for chalking a message but refused to do the same to Black Lives Matter protesters.
There have been riots for weeks now already across hundreds of cities in America.
He was only about 14 years off on this one.
For now, the case will be tried solely by State Attorney General Keith Ellison’s office, which earlier took over as lead counsel at the request of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.
This couple said they saw a couple of these kids in this mob stealing from a store at the Arizona Mills Mall. They were immediately confronted by the youths and decided to leave. The mob followed them to the exits where they spit on the male and assault the female. Once outside the man is beaten bloody and almost unconscious. The mall security seems to do nothing to ebb the violence. The police show up and the mob seems to disappear into thin air. There was not one single news report of the incident, nor a police report of any arrests.
'Bigots used to hide under hoods; now they hide under the label of being a liberal and a progressive — and that allows you to be as bigoted as you wanna be'
George Conway lashed out at President Donald Trump, declaring him the "greatest threat to the safety and security of Americans."
The toll lockdowns have taken on human life and human rights has been incalculable. Increases in child abuse, suicide, and even heart attacks, all appear to be a feature of mandatory stay-at-home orders issued by politicians who now rule by decree without any legislative or democratic due process.
Protesters gathered outside of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's home in Greensboro, North Carolina, on Friday morning.
If the executive branch can unilaterally suspend residential evictions to limit the spread of coronavirus, is there anything it can’t do?
Never forget the damage that radical Islamic terrorists inflicted on our great nation on 9/11/01! We cannot let them attack us again!
If it becomes law, the act would create two new programs within the CDC.
I'd say "you can't make this stuff up" - but with the left there's never any need to. 
The violent Rose City Antifa group has a Facebook page despite the tech giant’s recently expanded Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy that promised to “address organizations and movements that have demonstrated significant risks to public safety.”  
"Whatever it is, it's proof that the climate crisis is real."
“I support drawing down the troops. But here’s the problem, we still have to worry about terrorism and [the Islamic State],” Biden said
"Our local district attorneys should take this very seriously and I would suggest they should endeavor to prosecute those who are behind this," says Nick LaLota, Suffolk County elections commissioner, who received an application dated Sept. 4 from a person who died in June
Joe Biden told J Street that President Trump has "put Israel in danger" -- even as more and more Arab states make peace with Israel.
Bahrain joined the United Arab Emirates in agreeing to normalize relations with Israel on Friday, a move forged partly through shared fears of Iran, but one that threatens to leave the Palestinians further isolated.
Right now on the 19th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks, I feel safe. That's all President Donald Trump's doing.
The Texas Municipal Police Association has paid for two billboards to be posted at the entrances to Austin, reading: 'Police defunded: enter at your own risk'. Austin cut $150 million in August.
The Minnesota Vikings plan to honor George Floyd's family during the season opener Sunday against the Green Bay Packers. 