Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti on Wednesday announced the city was taking action against those who throw large parties. He called recent gatherings of mostly young people in the Hollywood Hills an…

Opinion | Politician Cognition

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Did Biden pass his CBS test?
"It surprised me, but I had no real fear of dying," Joe Biden wrote of the brain aneurysms in the 1980s. The then-senator had surgery with a 50/50 chance of survival.
Consumer-protection tools won’t be effective against the larger threat to American democracy.
A Portland, Ore., drive-in theater series has removed the 1990 comedy “Kindergarten Cop” from its lineup amid criticism that it glorifies the school-to-prison pipeline.
Another Pelosi-Mnuchin blowout isn’t needed and will divide the GOP.
The Democrat puts on a show in swing states but dodges questions while he moves left.
While parents are frustrated about schools shutting down during the pandemic, let's be careful with the "kids are safer in school" rhetoric.
Facebook took down post from President Trump's personal page of a Fox News interview in which he said that children are “almost immune” from COVID-19.
Read the full 22-page report written by the Transition Integrity Project.
Joe Biden believes to his core that there’s no greater economic engine in the world than the hard work and ingenuity of the American people. Nobody has more respect for the working women and men who get up every day to build and sustain this country, or more confidence that they can meet the challenges […]
Vice President Pence on Wednesday said Chief Justice John Roberts has been a "disappointment to conservatives," a rare direct rebuke of the top judge after he ruled against the Trump administration in a series of recent cases.
Lilly Wachowski, one of the co-writers and directors of the popular sci-fi film franchise, talks about The Matrix trans allegory in a new Netflix video.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks during a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee
It’s become very obvious in the last couple of weeks that Twitter had planned to censor the president based on the information that he was sharing that they disagreed with. However, many individuals saw Facebook as being a good alternative when the social media platform said that it was going to stand up for free […]
Facebook Inc on Wednesday took down a post by U.S. President Donald Trump, which the company said violated its rules against sharing misinformation about the coronavirus.
'People come there for a better place to live,' Ducey said. 'They love the low taxes, the light regulation, the high-quality lifestyle that we have.'
Police arrested two adults accused of operating a low level meth lab at a San Francisco hotel designated as a safe shelter for people on quarantine, at risk for COVID-19, or without housing.
It's a myth that Black voters represent monolithic support for Democrats. A recent survey shows that young Black Americans in swing states have big reservations about Joe Biden, Democrats and voting.
Harvard’s Ash Center worked with a now-sanctioned Chinese group which committed “serious human rights abuses.” Following a National Pulse exposé on the prestigious Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center’s Chinese Communist…
President Trump’s re-election campaign is formally asking that a fourth debate between the president and Democratic challenger Joe Biden be added and that the showdown be held early next month, before many states start sending out absentee ballots to voters.
Pull back the masks, and Antifa's real nature is just embarassing.
The former Atlanta police officer accused of shooting Rayshard Brooks in a Wendy's parking lot is suing the mayor and interim police chief for firing him, claiming the dismissal violated not only his constitutional rights but also city code. 