Laurel Duggan  Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would support banning child sex-change operations in Florida in a Monday podcast interview on
If you believe that Christians are more tolerant than Saudis, according to the Gaystapo, you don’t exist. That’s LGBT moral equivalence for you.
A survey done by Rasmussen Reports states that 34% of American adults say they are
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that the U.S. would be powerless to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Over 10,000 ballots mailed in to election officials in Michigan will not be counted, primarily because they arrived late.
Woke goes with college like peanut butter goes with jelly. But now the University of Central Florida…
Brazilian ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva used a campaign rally this weekend to promote the creation of a pan-American currency.
Young women, do you want to attain your dreams and seize your opportunities? Then snuffing out an innocent life may be just the thing for you!  In an April 28 piece for TIME, Cecile Richards, president of taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood, argued, “We Need to Talk – Really Talk – About Abortion.” In it, her “talk” focused on how abortion is “key to women’s opportunity” and an outlet to “pursue their dreams.” Richards praised the media – her megaphone – for their efforts to blast abortion-positive messaging. 
There’s likelihood that you’re going to be hearing some stories about some sheriffs being removed from their duties.. Maine news, sports, politics, election results, and obituaries from the Bangor Daily News.
On the June 9 Last Week Tonight on HBO, host John Oliver uncorked one of his long faux-comedic crusades for a left-wing cause, in this case the utopian dream of an "Equal Rights Amendment." He mocked its biggest opponent, the late Phyllis Schlafly, as an undesirable wife. I'm not sure how big a sacrifice it was for [her husband] Fred to spend a few hours not hanging out with Phyllis Schlafly. If I had to guess, Fred was absolutely okay with Phyllis getting out of the house for the day. The night, even."
President Trump will donate $100,000 of his salary to help repair monuments damaged during recent protests and riots, he announced on Friday.
SACRAMENTO, CA - Governor Newsom has announced a lottery sweepstakes where five lucky vaccinated Californians will be allowed to leave California for a better state.Each winner, chosen at random, will get a free U-Haul rental and a nice property in another state of their choice, no questions asked.'Do you want to leave this hellhole? Then get the shot ...
There has been much discussion — mostly by conservatives — in recent years about the Democrats having become a coastal elitist party that knows almost nothing about rural America. It’s objective...

The Republicans Who Want Sunshine

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In statehouses, GOP legislators call for campaign finance disclosure
I should say at the outset that Ive never really been a big football fan. I grew up in Detroit and played hockey, so I love the Redwings. Besides, we didnt really have a professional team in Detroit; we only had the Lions.
Display or removal of portraits doesn’t change history or current practice.
Providing reasonable legal accommodation to this very specific and narrow experience should not be an open invitation for adults to exploit young teenagers.
Remember the days when personal medical and health decisions stayed personal? The coronavirus has changed all that. Fear and ignorance driven by a politically exploitative class of political exploiters have changed all that.
Pro-choice demonstrations are taking off across America after the unprecedented leaked draft opinion from Justice Samuel Alito that has pro-choice activists mobilizing en masse.
Though you wouldn't know it from her remarks earlier this week, Hillary Clinton was once
In another win for the participation of faith in the public domain, the United States Supreme Court ...
More than 2,000 assaults on police officers were recorded in London between May and July.
Major League Baseball has said they're pulling this year's All-Star Game from Atlanta. However, they won't do it without a legal fight.
Alleged subway shooter Frank James has been indicted after authorities say he shot multiple people on a Brooklyn train last month.
Same-sex couples with hearts have replaced some of the gender-neutral figures.