On Monday, Reverend Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy at the funeral for Andrew Brown Jr., a black man who died last week following an encounter with law enforcement. Sharpton used the opportunity to speak out against Republican Senator of South Carolina Tim Scott’s message in the GOP rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s first address to Congress.
Glen Morgan with WeTheGoverned.com joins us to elaborate on the most obvious shortcomings of the US election system, and what efforts you can get involved in to bring US election integrity up to to par with the standards that we impose on Third World countries today. Notes: We The Governed website https://www.wethegoverned.com/ Freedom Foundation https://www.freedomfoundation.com/… Continue reading Upgrading The US Election System To Third World Standards (Ep.42)
With parenting, there are no copouts, no sick days, no vacation or leave. That means describing it like a career is both reductive and misleading.
The original rock opera holds up impressively well after half a century.
President Joe Biden is traveling to Virginia and Louisiana this week to pitch his American Jobs Plan — also called an “infrastructure” plan. New bridges, safer highways and more broadband are easy …
Gardner, facing a misconduct probe relative to committing 62 acts of misconduct and 79 false representations in her prosecution of former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, refused to turn information over to media outlet run by John Solomon
Rashida Tlaib has become one of many Democrat House of Representative members who has spent more time condemning Isreal and the Jewish state than being a Representative of the United States of Amer…
The Boy Scouts of America has filed for bankruptcy to figure out how to fairly compensate thousands of survivors of alleged sexual abuse.
Florida's two United States senators and the U.S. House congressman representing much of Miami-Dade County are urging the Federal Communications Commission to resist pressure from Democrats to block the sale of a local Spanish-language radio station to a conservative ownership group. Sens. Marco Rub...
Rep. Thomas Massie slams President Biden’s upcoming rule on “ghost guns,” which will be announced Monday.
Eboni K. Williams had never received anything like the responses she garnered after she aired her grievances with President Trump while on-air on ?The Fox News Specialists.? The co-host…

New Poll: Trump Is KILLING It

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

According to a new Zogby poll, President Trump is
President Trump’s Rasmussen approval rating surged to 50% on Friday. This is despite the continued media onslaught and the outrageous smears over his handling of the coronavirus. Barack Obama had a 47% approval rating at the same point in his presidency. And, as Rasmussen reported earlier, Obama had a 95% positive media. Trump has a…
A federal grand jury in Minnesota has voted to indict the four former Minneapolis police officers involved in the May 25, 2020, arrest of George Floyd, according to indictments unsealed Friday.
ATF is attempting to regulate bump-stock accessories by claiming that they transform the firearms they attach to into machine guns.
Director Ron Howard and actor Jason Bateman both want to have their cake and eat it too by continuing to shoot in the state of Georgia while donating money to organizations that will fight the newly-enacted fetal heartbeat bill that bans abortion the moment doctors detect an unborn child's heartb
On Friday's "Hugh Hewitt Show," Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said China has "deputized" major U.S. companies to push for policies that help China and stated | Clips
At least 20 FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives “assets” were embedded around the U.S. Capitol ...
Imagine an election in which one party promises to save the planet and the opposing party pledges to save your job. Which is more likely to get your vote? For most people, those who support families and coach T-Ball on...
'President Obama, with word play, took us back to the 1960's'
If the Equality Act is passed, dissent and heterodox thinking on these cultural sexual issues will not be tolerated. Senate Republicans must hold the line.
“The first Dark Ages are lost in the mists of antiquity, with virtually no records. The coming Dark Ages will be equally lost in the blaze of studio lighting, with a superabundance of records, almost all falsified.”
In the lead-up to Israel's national elections last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, publicly floated the idea of annexation of the biblical Jewish heartland of Judea and S
A Yale epidemiologist says that the hydroxychloroquine studies were flawed and that the medication actually works. He made the comments on CNN, who is certain to start attacking him. #COVID19 #coronavirus #HCQ #hydroxychloroquine
Violence in Jerusalem between Palestinians and Israelis has been brewing for weeks. The Palestinian National Authority and Hamas are taking advantage of the situation to divert attention from their own internal problems.