Using the new 15.5 percent repatriation tax rate, it appears Apple is bringing back $245 billion from overseas.
President Trump said Monday that peace negotiations with the Taliban are “dead as far as I’m concerned” after the terrorist group claimed responsibility for a bombing that killed an American soldie…
Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting system of rural Fulton county, saying that an election assessment by a third party had violated the state's election code.
The gcc pasta market report provides a deep and thorough evaluation of the market, including value and volume trends and pricing history. Growth-inducing factors, market restraints and recent developments have also been analyzed in the report in order to provide deeper knowledge about the industry.
Why was the federal government trying to strangle Just Mayo in its cradle?
Flu fear is in the air! Emergency rooms are swamped. Sore throat? Nasal congestion? Get thee to the hospital! Now! We know we should believe this because the media tell us so. The hype: “Get Ready,…

The Truth About Robert Mugabe

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Robert Mugabe was the ruthless multi-decade dictator of Zimbabwe, responsible for killing tens of thousands, driving whites from the country, and destroying ...
Rising infection rates suggest that vaccines protect against hospitalisation rather than against contracting the virus
Rhode Island State Sen. Tiara Mack, a Democrat, opted to encourage Rhode Islanders to vote for her by posting a video of herself twerking.

How To Get Welfare In 14 Languages

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

I’m so glad I get to wake up early every morning and go to work so my tax dollars can be used to tell new immigrants how to sign up for welfare benefits in their native languages. 14 of them, to be…
Three thousand, three hundred and ninety-four Coloradans have withdrawn their voter registrations as of July 13, following the Trump administration’s request for voter data as part of the Commission on Election Integrity. An additional 182 citizens in the state have filed as confidential voters....
Joe Biden added nine embarrassing moments to his ever-expanding list of gaffes during the third 2020 Democrat debate.
Two affidavits claim a massive illegal mail-ballot harvesting operation, led by "elite" Democrat officials, is being prepared for Texas’ most populous county.
There was no reason to go down this path.
Ben & Jerry’s filed suit against its parent company Unilever on Tuesday in an effort to block its sale of the Vermont-based brand’s Israel business to a local franchisee.
The Democratic Party’s top leaders on Thursday flicked aside the bonuses and pay hikes 250 companies like Home Depot, Fiat Chrysler and Well...
Update: It appears that Disney & AT&T may have reached a new long-term deal. You can learn more HERE. Last week, Comcast, Disney, CBS, and Fox sued to block a new Maine law that would require cable companies to offer à la carte TV. Now, a second lawsuit filed by the National Cable & Telecommunications …
Fear is contagious. It’s almost as bad as the Delta variant. Again, is the new variant more transmissible? Yes. Is it deadlier? No. Does it make you sicker? No. Are
Republicans outnumber Democrats in Florida for the second year in a row with 175,911 more registered voters, according to the Florida Division of
The Obama administration did not tell Congress, until recently, that Syrian Refugees were arriving in Louisiana.  According to a House Homeland Security Committee aide, Congress did not know about 13
On Sunday the Nation One News Foundation published an article titled "Trump’s first State of the Union to focus on economy, immigration." The article was then published to our social media accounts including our Facebook
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), in a fiery speech on the House floor on Wednesday, dismantled the House mask mandate.
Elon Musk is formally trying to end his bid to buy Twitter. After hinting heavily that he no longer wanted the company in tweets attacking Twitter over its bot calculations and an ominous story in The Washington Post this week reflecting his thinking, Musk’s legal team is taking steps to term…