
A Tyranny Brews In Washington

Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

The French have a name – lèse-majesté – for speaking against the state. The Democrats call it ‘disinformation’ and are determined to shut it down.
President Obama has long touted that training Syrian rebels to fight ISIS is "the best counterweight" in his administration's promise to degrade and defeat the terror group. And with that promise came $500 million in federal funds for the U.S. military to begin training Syrian fighters. So, what does the president have to show for his investment? Of the original 54 soldiers trained in the first group, only four, maybe five, of those rebels are left fighting ISIS, according to new reports.
The story is based on no credible evidence. If it were ever presented to a jury, it would be laughed out of court.
Supermarket chain Kroger was sued in federal court this week after two former employees claimed they were wrongfully terminated for refusing to wear an apron with a rainbow symbol because of their religious beliefs. 
The FBI quietly released thousands of pages of documents about the murder of Seth Rich. The files were posted on the FBI Vault website on Thursday following a request by attorney Ty Clevenger.
Thomas Catenacci  The White House hasn’t considered boosting domestic oil production as it scrambles to think up solutions to address record gasoline
DACA’s seventh anniversary has sparked a new round of introspection, with immigrant rights advocates saying the program has proved its worth by helping give opportunity to a generation of children who have become doctors, soldiers, lawyers and teachers. But the program does have a darker side.
It’s best to avoid hostility and communicate with empathy when it comes to helping people understand why covering their faces can slow the spread of the virus, say Northeastern researchers.
The public rejects athletes showing disrespect for the American flag at international games.
Customers are blasting Harris Teeter and Kroger grocery stores for recalling patriotic items, including drink sleeves that read 'Give me liberty or give me death,' amid other customers calling for the items to be removed because they feature guns.
Here's a brief explanation of what's in each of the 10 Planned Parenthood human organ harvesting videos that have been released thus far.
Matt Damon is terrible in 'Downsizing,' a terrible movie about a terribly dull character who shrinks himself to become part of the one percent.
This is the first of a two part series on the Obama administration’s plan to surveil the Trump campaign, discredit Trump’s election, and eviscerate his presidency.
Mitch McConnell had no constitutional obligation to take up Obama’s Garland nomination in 2016 and has no obligation to wait for 2021 to vote on the next appointment.
The Biden administration has pushed a series of policies to address high gasoline prices, but has stopped short of incentivizing domestic oil production growth.
The upcoming U.S. Supreme Court might produce big victories for the court's conservatives, a contrast to last term's liberal-leaning decisions.
U.S. law enforcement fatalities fell by 10 percent in 2017, marking the first decrease in line-of-duty deaths in three years, according to a report issued Thursday by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.
Friday on MSNBC's "Hardball," 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) said Latinos throughout America "now feel like they | Clips
A Democratic Senate pattern, from Bork to the filibuster rule.
Donald Trump is back. And he was on FIRE on Sunday night in Dallas. | Politics

Alex Moe on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Ryan spox to NBC News: "Chairman Ryan appreciates the support he's getting from his colleagues but is still not running for Speaker."”
Youngsters don’t value patriotism, family and religion as passionately as previous generations, according to a new survey.
On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued an impassioned and heartfelt speech on the Senate floor honoring the late-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for her steadfast commitment to her office and her ability to befriend those with whom she disagreed. Speaking in his famous slow and steady cadence, McConnell hailed the late-justice as an “exceptional […]
The original 1996 “Space Jam” wasn’t top-notch either, but it made bank in the box office. Twenty-five years later, this one is far worse, even with big stars.
The mandate will end up providing amnesty for a shocking number of illegal immigrants